Homestead Kitchen: Homemade Buttermilk


I wanted to have cultured buttermilk for baking and soaking my freshly ground grains in (ala Sally Fallon’s book).  I made some yesterday and today it is thick and wonderful and I can’t wait to use it.


This is how I did it:  I first purchased some buttermilk cultures from Leeners:  Then I followed the directions!  I doubled the recipe and heated 2 qts. of my own raw goats milk up to 72 degrees, added 2 packets of culture and poured it into a 2 qt. canning jar, covered with a lid and left it on the counter.  This morning I have buttermilk! 


To make more buttermilk I will take about ½ cup of my cultured buttermilk and put it in another 2qt. jar.  Then I will fill up the jar with 72 degree warmed up raw goats milk and let is sit on the counter as I did before until it turns into nice thick buttermilk! 


I know you can also do this with store bought buttermilk, however some store bought buttermilk is not cultured, so I wanted to make sure I started with the real thing! 


  1. Crystal-

    did you know you can use that buttermilk you just made to culture cheeses? Oh yes, darlin'!

    Isn't goat milk the greatest??

    I have people asking to buy my Nubian kids, but don't want to sell does this year at all. Do you have any to sell? If you do I will direct people your way from now on this year.

    Have a great weekend Crystal!

  2. FoggyMountainFarmMay 5, 2006 at 4:51 AM

    Oh how nice!! I have some cultured buttermilk and may do this with some goat's milk we have to make some. I love buttermilk biscuits and buttermilk cornbread. YUM!

    Thank you,


  3. When you heat your milk for buttermilk - do you heat it to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 72 degrees Centrigrade (Celsius) please? Thanks!

  4. That would be 72 degrees F


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