On the Homestead Today


We are all waiting and waiting to find out the final results of my son-in-laws testing!!   He is in the Air Force and just went through a year long language class.   He learned Dari which is the language of Afghan and took the Farsi test too..  the languages are very similar..   It has been over a week now since he took the test..  but I talked with my daughter today and she said they promised everyone would know, for sure,  by Wednesday at 1:00 or before! . So we all wait to hear..  What happens in their life next is hinged on this!! 


While talking to my daughter I found out that my sweet little grandbaby loves his new Baby Einstein DVD’s.  I sent him Baby Mozart, Baby Beethoven, and Baby Bach..  Baby Bach seems to be the favorite; she sees the most reaction from him with that one.  She said she bought the CD and he gets very excited when she puts it on for him.   All ready homeschooling at 5 months.. LOL.. 


Today just about all on my list was accomplished.  Hannah and I cleaned the bathroom.  I attacked the tub and tile, she did the rest.  I still have laundry going, 2 loads were finished and one is in the washer and one in the dryer.


Emily is working on the 2nd skirt for today.  Once you make a couple of these, they go together very easily.


I still have a couple of recipes to post. I wanted to get a picture of them first.  One is the Orange Chicken..  I had a request to post the recipe.  Emily and I have made it a few times and I think we have it tweaked now to the way we like it.  The other is a yummy pineapple cake that we are having for dessert tonight.


One thing I did not get done was the granola.  I will put it on tomorrow’s list.  My boys are the ones who love granola.  The girls and I are just as happy with leftover dinner or eggs for breakfast…  actually I am not even a big breakfast person anyway but my boys adore granola..  since they are not here this week, I guess I am not feeling under pressure to do this.


I also did not get soap done..  so that is the list for another day too! 


Yum!!  My cake just came out of the oven..  smells really nice in here! 


I will be back to post recipes..


Hope you all had a productive Monday on your Homesteads!


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