This Week’s Menu
This week I am relying a lot on my crockpot. I also have a few of my cabbage plants ready to pick so I incorporated cabbage into the weeks menu as well. I have a couple new recipes to try out and will post them later on in the week.. providing they are a hit with the family.. :) Monday Chicken salad, deviled eggs , strawberries & grapes, (Sierra’s making dinner and this is her menu plan) Tuesday Crockpot beef pot roast & cabbage, baked sweet potatoes, salad Wednesday Crockpot Mexican chicken over brown rice , chips & salsa, salad Thursday Leftovers Friday Sautéed cabbage, onions, peppers & hamburger, mac & cheese , watermelon Saturday Lasagna , french bread, salad Sunday Crockpot pineapple pork roast, brown rice pilaf , black beans, coleslaw Breakfast meals will be mostly smoothies, muffins, eggs, and fruit. Lunches will be leftovers with sandwich...