Menu Monday!
Good Morning! This week it's back to menu planning for the two of us. I'm planning on keeping it pretty simple. The temps outside are hot and since I don't have air conditioning I don't enjoy heating up my kitchen if I can avoid it. I'm playing around with putting specific meals on specific days. I'm going to see how that works for me now that I'm getting a better handle on cooking for the two of us. Monday: It's a real toss up today. I'm either going to buy a pizza when I'm out grocery shopping or put chicken in my IP for chicken gyros . Either way, I'll serve a salad and fruit with it. Tuesday: Salmon is the plan. I have put salmon on the menu a few times and never made it. I had too many leftovers to get to making it. I'll grill it and serve it with potatoes, salad and maybe some corn on the cob. Wednesday: Burgers on the BBQ with all the trimmings and some fresh fruit ...