Updates from the Homestead
This week has been busy! Hubby survived his surgery and is being a fairly good patient.. the soft food thing is getting to him. But he is healing and still has more work to be done. The cleaning and organizing continues. The upstairs is done now! I have my bedroom to tackle and then I am done! Yea! The most exciting news is from my son. His fiancée Doneza has had her VISA approved! They will be spending the month of November with her family and then the two of them will be flying home the beginning of December. Then it will be the holidays and planning a wedding! We are so excited!! My daughter Hannah and granddaughter Elizabeth both are recovering from the swine flu. But according to Hannah.. it is not as bad as the media is making it out to be. Which does not surprise me because I think the whole swine flu thing is a lot of hype and you could not PAY me to get vaccinat...