The College Plus Northwest Meet Up!!


Saturday was the College Plus meet up here in the Northwest.  College Plus kids often meet together in various locations.  Sometimes it is a group and sometimes just one on one.  The students get to know each other on the CP forums and then will start the planning if there seems like enough interest.  This time those who gathered were mostly from Washington State and there was one student from Oregon who joined as well.   

Four kids arrived at our house on Friday night.  They were coming from Eastern Washington and had about a 5 hour drive and wanted to arrive early.  They stayed the night at our house.  In the morning I fixed everyone English muffin breakfast sandwiches and orange juice.  Emily, Leanne and the 4 of them left and headed into Portland and met with the rest of the people at the Portland Rescue Mission for a morning of volunteering.  Some did yard work or organizing supplies and other various odd jobs.

When they were done they caravanned backed to our home and stopped to take a few pics on the way back. The Columbia River can barely be seen on the right.  But the beautiful fall colors can be seen! 


When they arrived at my house I had lunch ready for them.   


The weather was just perfect that day.  I pictured 20 people all huddled inside in my not so huge house while it rained and stormed outside (as it had been doing ).. but the sun came out and it was a beautiful day!  As soon as the food was eaten the kids all went down near my pond and started a game of Frisbee football..  they played outside all afternoon.   

In the evening some headed home and the rest of the kids ate more food and began a big an intense game of Nertz.. LOL..  then they played spoons and continued into the evening playing Taboo and other games. 


The ones that had traveled from Eastern Washington stayed the night again and in the morning I fed them bagels, cream cheese, yogurt and cinnamon rolls (the cinnamon rolls were brought by another mom) and then they left.   

Everyone really seemed to have had a great time.  I had more than enough food.. could of fed 30 or 40! Haa.. haa.. but that is ok..   We have leftovers to eat!  There was talk about doing another meet up in the spring.. I said.. well, just let me know!   

I have chatted a lot here on my blog about College Plus and when I mention them I still get emails and comments from people asking me what it is and wanting more information about it.  College Plus is an innovated educational option to be able to earn a college degree from home for a fraction of the cost.  My daughter Emily is in the last stages of earning her degree and my daughter Leanne will be signing up with them before the end of the year.  And my son Jacob plans on pursuing a computer science degree through them as well and may be starting as soon as next year.  If you would like to read more about them I wrote an article on my site that explains the program and has a link to the College Plus website so those that are interested can obtain more information directly from them.  You can read my article HERE.




  1. It seems you had a wonderful week end! Many blessings!

  2. check that out! I have two teens who need to think about this. I'm so grateful to you for sharing Crystal, and always having the courage to go before us...


  3. CollegePlus Prep is another program by the same people that is geared to slightly younger children and/or those who desire a gentle transition into the program. That one too is top quality.

  4. Events like that take a lot of prep and work that not all can appreciate. I am sure your girls are thankful to have a mom willing to go the extra mile.


  5. What a fun time!! Because of reading about CollegePlus on your blog, my son is seriously praying about it. I wanted to know if your girls were able to stay on your health insurance plan while doing CollegePlus, and do you have a recipe for English muffins?

    Thanks for sharing...I love your blog!! : )


  6. Sounds like a great get-together! I wish I was closer...

    I am a CP! student, Shelley, and I was able to stay on my parent's insurance. CP! provides students with a letter stating that the student is enrolled full-time in a degree program. This does the trick...

  7. Thanks so much for hosting us! It was a blast and couldn't have been better, especially with your cooking!


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