Goat Pics!

I have lots to do today but thought I would first update my blog.  I took some pics this morning in the barn.  I had new kids born late on Saturday night.  And like I mentioned earlier they look just like the 2 that were born a few weeks ago!


Here are their pics:




They are cuties!  Here are pics of all my goats (except for my bucks and 2 kids) eating hay this morning..



Here is also the picture of the Lamancha (in the blue collar) and her buckling kid that I got about a month ago.  She is a very mellow goat, I really like her.  We named her Milkshake.. which was not our original name but the daughter of the friend who delivered her to me called her that and it stuck!! 



Finally here is Hannah milking Josie.  Right now she is the only goat we are milking, we will start milking Pepper in a couple of weeks. 



More updates about my day can be found on my other blog: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/quiverfull 


Hope you all have a great Tuesday on your homesteads!! 


  1. You should have a picture of Hannah's face!!! How cool - how old is Hannah?

  2. Hannah saw me with the camera and said... you're not taking my picture are you?????? :) You know you don't always look your best first thing in the morning at the barn! LOL... Hannah is 17 years old.

    Crystal :)

  3. Those kids are so cute...makes me miss cuddling and dozing with ours on the couch. Can't say the same for those first weeks of bottle feeding in the middle of the night! Thanks for the reminisce. Have fun!

  4. pictures of the chickens, the coop, the goats, Hannah behind the goat and most of all...Richard...he\'s a very handsome young man - please tell him we all appreciate him and his commrades on all they are doing for us....we stand in awe!!!

    <br>Love seeing you again....I sent you an order today!!

    <br>Love ya...


  5. Crystal,

    The kids are too cute. Nubians are one of my favorite creatures on earth! There are not many things cuter than a Nubian kid.

    In Him,


  6. Crystal,

    I just love it when you post pictures on your blogs. The baby goats are adorable!! Thanks for sharing with us. Love to you all,


  7. Darling! I won't have Nubian kids till May and June, but I had a set of gorgeous Boer bucklings! I need to get pics up, I still haven't.

    BTW- in case you aren't on any local goat loops, there's a call going out for a special needs girl. She had a pet Nubian doe, and her folks are trying to find a replacement. The request is a Nubian doe, plain brown with frosted ears. She will only be a pet. If you are interested, I can find the email of the person asking again.


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