Finding Joy in Homemaking: Part 2

Today’s thought is: Homemaking is a Calling

Homemaking is not a job, it’s a calling. With a job you work for a set amount of time and then you are done. At the end of the week you receive a paycheck. If you quit your job, you can be replaced. Homemaking is a calling. God has given you a husband and a family and considered you the most capable of taking care of them, loving them and serving them. Give the Lord 100% of what you have in what He has called you to. It is a ministry of love and devotion. It’s not something you can quit and you cannot be replaced.

Realize that the meals you cook, the laundry you fold, the floors you sweep & mop say, “I love you” and “You mean the world to me” to your family.



  1. Thank you for this wonderful post I love it!!!
    Today I will place it on my blog.

    Mutch blessings for you and your family.


  2. This is great encouragement! I am going to share it with my daughters. The oldest (21) is too much of a modern woman and I hope to influence her to be a stay at home mom without making her feel "pushed" into it...


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