Busy Times

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!! For me, on my homestead, we have not had our Thanksgiving meal yet. Leanne arrives home tomorrow so we will be celebrating on Sunday. I will have all but one of my children here and grandchildren and friends will be joining us as well. 

Leanne arrives home tomorrow evening and our family plans on meeting her at the airport. There is a whole lot of excitement in the air for our family right now. Her welcoming at the airport will be filled with family and friends. Afterwards we are having a little welcome home party at our house. I have goodies to serve and we look forward to just spending the time with her. Then she can get some sleep (it is a very long flight time for her) and enjoy the holiday on Sunday. 


For now I’m cooking and cleaning and preparing all I can ahead of time. I even plan on cooking the turkey and making the gravy the day before. I want to enjoy my family time with them, not be busy in the kitchen. 

Today I plan to put up the Christmas tree. I’ll wait to pull out extra decorations until next week. I wanted the house to be festive. We’ll put on some Christmas music and enjoy the preparations today. My French daughter (I mentioned her in a previous blog post. She is a friend of my daughters and has come back to spend time with us. She fits in so well with our family that we now call her our French daughter) is here and has been a big help to me and Sierra in all our planning and preparations.

Due to this busy family time for me I may not be back to blog for a few days. But I’m sure I’ll have pictures to share next time of our reunion with Leanne.

Have a blessed weekend in your home!!



  1. I can just feel the excitement in the air! I think I would just go crazy if one of mine went that far away for an entire year. I would be uncontrollable a this point. praying you have a wonderful stress free Thanksgiving celebration. Much to be thankful for!

  2. Happy for you that your daughter is coming home. I can only imagine how excited you are. I hope you have a wonderful time with all of your family.


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