Updates from the Homestead

I was thinking a good title for these updates would be: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!! ~smile~ So I’ll start with the “good”..

My daughter Leanne finished all her class work for her degree! It is now just a matter of paperwork and she should officially graduate in a couple of months. We are so incredibly proud of her. She earned her BA in English in 2 years 10 months. She showed lots of dedication and spent countless hours devoted to her school work. As for her next step, well she is checking out a few different options as of now. I’ll keep you posted!

Now for the “Bad”…

Yep, snowy weather! In the middle of March here in the PNW is not real common. It can happen, but typically we are beginning to move onto spring like weather at this point. I guess this may not be bad for those who like winter weather, but I am one who looks very forward to the end of the cold and snowy stuff… so yesterday as I watched it snow and then rain and snow again and my niece in Chicago said it was 74, I thought, something is just not right with this picture!! :)

The Ugly.. we seem to be dealing with some sort of flu bug going through the house. Achy feeling, headache, cough, fever. It has been a long time since anyone in my family was sick (maybe a year or so). So no one is handling it well. But we pulled out the herb tea, honey and lemon juice, Ibuprofen and Netflix.. so far 4 have made it through, 2 currently have it (including me), and 1 child has not had it yet. Soon it will all be behind us, I am sure.

That is all from the homestead for now! 


  1. Congrats to your daughter!

    From someone who had 80 degree weather yesterday -- I'll trade you some for snow. We didn't have a bit this year....lol.

    Hope you all feel better soon.

  2. Yes! Way to GO Leanne! That is awesome.
    I am afraid we might have one of these weather issues as it has been too nice too soon...
    Sorry to hear about the Flu, we also had it back in January. Get plenty of rest! Don't jump up too soon. I love the "new look"!

  3. Your daughter is so smart to get her degree in such a short period of time! I love your new blog header! The pond is so peaceful looking! Sorry about the snow! It's summer here at 81 degrees! Hope you all feel better soon! Blessings from Bama!

  4. My son, 20 yrs old, woke up very sick today. I thought with the temps being in the 80's that flu was not visiting our state. wrong! Everyone in the house but him got a flu shot last October. soooo, hopefully the rest of us do not get sick. I do not like flu season.

  5. I LOVE snow, but am totally and completely ready to move on to sunnier, drier and warmer weather--totally:)
    LOVE your new blog header photo---beautiful!
    Hope you are all well soon.


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