Motivation and Proverbs 31:27

Some days I lack motivation. I drink a second cup of coffee waiting for the motivation to come. And if it does not, I still press forward anyway. Maybe I don’t get as much done on those days as I do on days when I have lots of motivation, but I do get something done. Maybe it is just the way I function but when I sit down in the evening I feel so much better knowing I made progress on the day. I have a never ending to-do list and can’t afford many days of doing very little, despite my motivation level. I do try and take a day off every week and relax and spend time with my family. It is difficult sometimes because my husband works the regular weekend and his days off are during the week. I keep my kids and myself on more of a Monday thru Friday schedule. Sunday’s are usually a slow paced day around my house and during the week we keep to a schedule as much as we can while still enjoying Dad at home with us. Mostly we enjoy having him home in the evenings. He works graveyard (3rd shift), 10 hour shifts, so he is not here for 4 nights a week.

Back to motivation.. My mother-in-law once gave me a great bit of advice, and this has stuck with me now for years and years.. she said, “The first 5 minutes of any job are the hardest”. This is so true. Even if we have a hard time getting moving and we struggle, usually after we are into our job for 5 minutes the struggle is not nearly what it was just to get going.

I read a motivating verse this week in the Bible. It came from Proverbs 31:27. I love Proverbs and if you have been following my blog for awhile you know I periodically do a post on a verse from Proverbs 31 that stands out to me. Here is the verse..

Proverbs 31:27 She watches over the ways of her household. And does not eat the bread of idleness.

The word that caught my eye on this verse was "idleness". I looked it up on the free online dictionary and here is what it says.. Not employed or busy.

And I further looked up the word "employed" (because the first thing that would come to mind is going to a job)… but here is what I found: The work in which one is engaged; occupation. An activity to which one devotes time.

My occupation is homemaker and it is what I devote my time to.


As homemakers we have such an important job. Just read Proverbs 31 verses 10 to 31.. and it shows in so many ways how to be a wise homemaking woman. How to take on life and be responsible in a God honoring way.

I personally found motivation in this verse because I saw that the Lord desires that I watch over the ways of my household.. that includes keeping it clean and organized and food bought and prepared and so much more.

Now when I lack motivation I will think not only of the basic fact (the first 5 minutes of any job are the hardest) but I will ALSO remember that the Lord desires me to be busy, taking care of my responsibilities and watching over the ways of my household.


  1. Thanks for sharing this! There are days when I really need motivation, but when I make myself get busy, I actually feel so much better! Pressing in and pressing on, as Joyce Meyer would say! Blessings from Bama!

  2. thank you! Motivating encouragement! Now to take that advise of your MIL's as a can-do and (get off the computer!) make myself off to trim 5 sets of goat hooves!

  3. Crystal,
    I REALLY needed to read this today. It has helped me very much.
    Thanks for posting from your heart and sharing your feelings with us.
    Love you my friend,

  4. Thank you for following the Lords leading and posting things like this to help others! I am so blessed by your blog and the wisdom you share. I needed this reminder of what my role is as a stay at home mom !
    Lord Bless you dear sister !!

  5. Thank you so much for this post. I have been struggling in this area - of course, it doesn't help that I have a one-year-old who is still up several times a night to nurse. I too have learned that just starting a task is often the hardest part. I think I'm going to print up Proverbs 31:27 and put it on my frig. I currently have I Chron. 22:16 over my desk and it helps.

  6. I was reading this verse this morning as well and decided to look into it more, as you did. I think that the "first five minutes are the hardest" is some of the best advice I've heard. I'm glad I (finally) found your blog. :-)


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