Saturday on the Homestead


It has been over a week since I blogged last. What a busy, busy week it has been! My girls will be home late tomorrow night. They leave Mexico today. I have only heard from them once so far. I am looking forward to seeing them again!  I have missed them!


The younger kids and I have managed the farm pretty well in their absence. We have gotten into a nice routine . 


Sierra has done a great job helping me in the kitchen and in the house. The boys have done a great job helping in the house too, but they have been doing most of the goat chores and chickens. We let our goats out of their fenced area daily to browse the property and help keep the weeds and grass down. So every day the boys let them out, and then nightly they fill water buckets and round them back into the barn and then open the gate so Dad can get to work in the evening without the hassle of stopping to deal with the gate. Then they feed chickens, get them fresh water and collect eggs.


Andy (our pastors son who has been staying with us while they are in Mexico) has not seemed to get homesick and just kind of fit right in with our routines.. but then again he has spent lots of time here.. just not 10 full days! 


During the week we had a heat wave. Temps were up near 100 and in some areas over 100. Now it has cooled back down to the upper 80’s.  We all lived through it by hanging out by the pond! 


My hubby also celebrated his 46th birthday this last week. It was fun. We had my fil, bil and his new wife and her kids here. We swam and enjoyed pizza and of course cake and ice cream. Tobin asked for a chiffon cake (one that Emily had made for the family awhile back) w/coffee flavored frosting. It was delicious!! It was made in an angle food cake pan and looked so pretty. I wish I had gotten a picture of it before we cut into it. I was just busy with so many details that day that I did not get the picture.


I promised someone via email that I would post my Chinese chicken salad recipe and I apologize that it has not happened.. I have it written down on a sheet of paper and need to get it on the computer so I can post it.. I will get to it as soon as I can. 


I think life might slow down a little for me when the girls get back.. but then who knows! I keep saying that and life keeps going a little faster than I like!


My garden is coming along just fine. I am thinking of planting more zucchini. Tobin did not realize where I had planted them and rototilled over them. Now I am wondering if it is too late.. I may just try anyway!


Hope you all have a great weekend! 


  1. Hello, I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. I was actually pulled to your site looking at your laundry soap recipe but have been digging around in all of the other great stuff you have. :) We're having unseasonally wet and cooler than usual weather here in Texas so I'm sure we're both feeling out of place. Take care and have a great week!

  2. It has been hot here in Georgia also. Though it will be rainy this week. I hope your girls have a safe trip back from Mexico. In high school I did a misison trip to Mexico also and it really changed my life. Have a great day!



  3. Glad things are going well! I pray that you have a great weekend!


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