Wednesday Snap Shot
Wednesday Snap Shot is a quick peek into my week.
If you'd like to join in on my Wednesday Snap Shot.. copy and paste my post, add your answers (you can also copy the pic).. link your post to my blog and then come back and let me know you shared your week. I'll come and visit you and read about your homemaking week!! :)
So Far This Week
This year was probably the most relaxed Christmas I've had in years. :) Mostly because the big family celebration was the prior week. So Christmas day was just my hubby, youngest daughter, her boyfriend and my sons. Hubby had worked the night before and slept until 3:00 and we opened gifts after he got up. I had cooked the day before and just set out food and everyone just ate as they got hungry, we enjoyed coffee, hot cocoa and goodies. And we visited a lot.
As the week the started it was time for me to do a little clean up around the house. Usually I put Christmas away the day after. But on Monday I just picked up the house and went and visited my daughter Hannah and my grandbabies.
Yesterday hubby and I hopped in the car and drove north to to Port Townsend, Washington to visit his parents. We just did a day trip. It makes a long day, a 4 hour drive each direction. But we do love a road trip and don't mind the drive. It was good to visit with them. My mother in law was celebrating her 81st birthday and it was a blessing to spend it with her.
On My To-Do List
Today I plan to put Christmas away. I love the feeling of getting my home back in order and ready to walk into the New Year.
So, I have two goals for today..
~Grocery Shopping
~Put Christmas away
Projects I'm Working On
I'm focusing on 2017 right now. I'm getting my journals (prayer journal, household journal) together. I'm also working on my word for the year. Does anyone else do this? I came across the idea of a yearly word a few years ago. If you are not familiar with this you can see more info HERE.
Today's Weather
High of 35, low of 28. The snow is slowly melting. We had more snow fall on Monday night but it was short lived.
The View from my Deck (or window)
The clouds hovering above the river (the Columbia River is nestled down past the tree line) and on top of the mountains made for a pretty view this morning.
What I'm Reading
I did a happy dance for a few minutes when I finished The Count of Monte Cristo. I LOVED the book, but it was long! However, the authors writing talent just amazed me. As you can see I really love older novels. I go through phases where I read more modern books and then go back to classics. As happy as I was to finish the book and see how it ended, I was also sad to come to walk away from all those wonderful characters.
I've now moved on to another book. Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet. It's shorter and I love a good mystery and am enjoying the book! It's another freebie from Amazon for the Kindle. :)
I've finished the book of Joshua. I love the Old Testament.. It can seem, sometimes, as you read through it that it really does not apply to us today. But it does. All Scripture has a message for us. In the book of Joshua, the lessons I saw.. Inheriting the Promised Land, it was given to them.. fighting their enemies with God on their side, dividing the land between the tribes, their blessing.. and it was a blessing that extended to those gentiles that believed (Rahab and her family and Caleb). A picture of salvation and God's blessings to us today.
Now moving onto Judges. :)
What I'm Listening To
My daughter just left for work, my son headed to work a couple hours ago so I'm listening to clocks ticking, hubby humming :) as he's restocking the wood stove, the bathroom fan running, the dishwasher. Funny the sounds you hear when you stop and just quietly listen.
Something Frugal I've Done This Week
Again it was not a week of doing something new and purposful to be frugal. I'm working on using up leftovers again so food does not go to waste. :) As the new year is starting I'm making a goal to be purposely frugal in more areas of my life. I think I'll add a "frugal" section to my homemaking journal! :)
Fitness for the Week
I lost my Fitbit charger for a few days. In all the hubbub of Christmas and prep I misplaced it. It felt so strange. I've had it for almost 3 years now and realized how much of my day I think about moving and walking. I am always so encouraged by my Fitbit to walk and move on a regular basis. I was very happy that in my general clean up of the house after Christmas I found it, recharged it and was back in business. My focus, now that the holidays are over, is to get back to my goal of 10,000 steps or more each day.
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal I wasnt sure how to link this post but if the above link does not work then it is under
Thanks for sharing Wednesday Snap Shot!! Your blog looks great!! :)