Gathering Our Winter Wood

We burn wood for our winter heat.  It takes about 6 to 8 cords of wood to get us through the winter.  Every summer a few of our weekends and various days are devoted to gathering wood from our property.  We have 18 acres and much of it is in trees.  So with 75 inches of rain a year (helps the trees to grow quickly) and a bit of good selective logging we seem to be able to continue to meet our own wood heating needs. 


Tobin has been spending his weekends tractoring around the property and gathering wood. He has been making paths through different areas that are overgrown to be able to access the trees. With the chain saw he cuts and fills up the bucket of tractor with the wood and then he brings it back to the house.  Some of the bigger pieces will still have to be split.  The smaller pieces are cut up and then stacked in our wood shelter.


Jacob had been doing the job of cutting up the smaller pieces.  Tobin put the chop saw out for him and he has been working all day.  Isaac has been his faithful helper.  He is helping with the stacking.


Here are some pics of our progress:


Pics of the wood gathered so far:




My boys at work:



The wood bin behind the boys will be need to be filled up before winter sets in:


  1. Thanks for the reminder that we need to get to work on this. We did NOT insulate the shed/barn/cabin we built to live in last summer so we burn many many cords of wood. I couldn't believe we still needed to make fires in the mornings clear until the end of June! Now, how to get it all collected and find a place to keep it while also building our septic system (yes we're doing it ourselves!) so we can have a flush potty next winter..........


  2. Loved today's blog. That's hard work. We were blessed several months ago with lots of wood for the winter. We use our fireplace that has a blower on it. I'm looking forward to those days and nights that lay ahead!

  3. Crystal,

    You all are doing great with getting your winter wood. Jacob and Isaac are great helpers. We need to get busy on this ourselves. We have about 5 big oak trees on the ground from the logging company being here and they all need to be cut up and split.

    Hard work, but so worth it for a warm winter.

    Love to all my friend,


  4. Hello Miss Crystal! My modem died Monday night and I am just not getting 'round to thanking you for the lye links! Thank you SO much. I found one that will work for me. :)

    You want to hear something really funny. I have been making soap for nearly 4 years now. Although the basic steps are the same, there are many variations of all the in betweens. I have never read before how you, Crystal, makes soap. I just read your directions for making soap and it was like I had typed it! LOL Don'tcha lovvve the smell of freshly made soap, even before you add anything to it. One of the similarities is that I do not add any coloring. As soon as some funds come in, I am stocking up on my top six or so favorite fragrances and get to work. For a good long time I made tons of soap and then sort of slowed down last late Winter and Spring. But, the bug has rebitten (a word? lol) and I am rarin' to go. What fun it would be to make soap together. :)

    Well, Miss Crystal, you have a fabTABulous day! Warmly, Robin

  5. We even buy our fragrances from the same place and bought the same graphics! *big grins"

  6. Looks like your making good headway. When We get our homestead (Lord willing) we are looking into wood heat. And solar panels as well.

    It must be a very fullfilling feeling to provide what your family needs with your own hands. : )

    God Bless,



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