Sewing Project: Cloth Diapers


My newest project lined up this week (after a birthday dinner for my father in law on Valentines Day and an event with my homeschool group for the seniors in our community also on Valentines Day) will be to start sewing cloth diapers for my daughter who is expecting in September.  My daughter is a frugal person due to being raised by a frugal mom and really likes the amount of money she will save by washing her own diapers!  And she sees the benefits of cloth diapers for the environment too.  So I told her I would be helping her out in this by making diapers. 


After researching on-line I have found lots of websites with information and how-toÂ’s for making diapers.  I have tried my hand at a few and they are not hard to make!  I am going to start by making her a couple dozen new born size and then go from there.  I am going to make the fitted diapers (with and without velcor so she can tell me what she likes better) and some of the pre-fold types.  I may even do a few flat folds.  


I will be back to post the websites I have on file and let you know my progress in this.  For today, I will post a web site that I have found to be sooo very inspiring on this topic.  This grandmother tells how she helped her daughter diaper her baby for FREE!   Can you imagine all the thousands of dollars currently spent on diapers and this woman did if for free.  Her story is very fun to read and gives lots of information on doing this yourself.  This website is the one my daughter and I first found in our cloth diapering web search and where we got the idea of doing this for ourselves.  

I will keep you all posted on my progress and share pics of the diapers and other websites as I progress along this journey!! 


  1. I have made diapers, and they are so cute! I packed them away when we moved into the new house, and have yet to find them again!!! The baby is 18 months now, and no way will the baby fit into them now. I guess I will have to wait for the next one. They are fun, and easy. Also, when I went to garage sales, and thrift stores, I got receiving blankets to make them with. It worked very well.

  2. Dont' rule out snaps when making them! They are handy adn won't poke the baby or irritate like velcro can at times. I even used prowrap 2nds and used the gerber cloth dipes (someone bought them for me from Walmart) and cut up polar fleece as a 'liner'. They worked great and cost me next to nothing! I did love the concept of AIOs, but couldn't afford them. DH would've been more helpful if we would've gotten those. Have fun! They sure do make some cute ones!

  3. Also don't rule out teh EC concept. That eliminates the use of dipes COMPLETELY and saves lots of headaches if you can make it work. I wish I had known about it when mine were little!

  4. EC is Elimination Communication. I've never done it, but have heard of it. Basically you teach your baby to go on the potty. There is much more to it...but I'll leave that to someone else :).

    Homemade dipes! Too cute. I never did those either, but if the Lord chooses to bless me with anymore babies, then I definately will be using them! Thanks for the link Crystal :)

  5. Crystal -

    Keep us informed on the "Diaper Project" I'm sure I have a few years before I see grandkids - the ink is not quite dry on the marriage license!!!

    But I would like to know how you do this. If I said this to Brandi right now - she would think I was nuts that she would use cloth diapers.

    You know I just got into this frugal/homestead thing - don't know that she has ever even seen a cloth diaper!!!



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