Wednesday Snap Shot
Good morning! The rain came back to our area, with a vengeance! We had thunderstorms (which is not all that common here), hail, wind and rain, lots of rain. It most certainly feels like fall now. The rain has actually been a good thing for us. We get our water from a spring on our property. It flows into a reservoir that holds 1200 gallons of water. From there it flows, by gravity, to our home. If we have a dry late summer and fall the amount of water coming from our spring will start to get less and less. On very dry years we've even had it dry up completely. When that happens we have another spring that we utilize to pump water into the reservoir. Each fall we keep an eye on the flow of the spring. We were starting to get a little concerned as the amount of water coming into the reservoir had gotten down to drops. So we knew we had 1200 gallons of water and were hoping this would last until the rains came back. Well, it has. The ground has soaked u...