Finding Purpose as a Homemaker (and in Life!)

Have you ever gone through a time where you struggled with your purpose in life?  As I've seen my children grow and move on with their own lives, I know I have.  I wrote this post back in 2013, and it still rings true for me today..   "no purpose in life truly fulfills the soul apart from God"

This has been a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately.  We will be dealing with some changes in our life at home soon (which I'll share at another time) and it seems that part of the decision making process has led me to think on our purpose in life. In this post I speak from the viewpoint of a homemaker because that is what I know personally.
Sometimes as a homemaker we find it hard to look at our life and see our purpose.  Especially when children are small and the days filled with changing diapers and tasks of the home or when the nest is empty and seasons change in our lives. Finding purpose in life as a homemaker may be a challenge. Or maybe not for everyone, but the hope of this post is to encourage us all in knowing our purpose. 

Finding purpose in life is one of those goals we don’t think about as we are becoming adults. It’s not like we say to ourselves, “I need a purpose in life”. We follow our dreams, goals, and interests because they fulfill “something” within us. That “something” could be called purpose. We go to school or training to find work in life that we enjoy. At least that is hope. I know people who have jobs that they don’t enjoy. But they go to that job for another purpose; to support themselves, their families or as a stepping stone to something else.

However to me finding purpose goes deeper than that. If we start with the Lord we will first realize that our main purpose in life is to ‘love God and glorify Him forever’ (Romans 11:36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. & Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!) . This really has nothing to do with a job, it is a spiritual walk. God does have a plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.) and He has given all of us gifts and talents. He wants us to use them and in doing so we bring glory to Him. Sometimes in life we are not even sure what our talents and gifts are. Sometimes it takes time for those to become known to us. Often times work is tedious, monotonous, and repetitive and many aspects of it may just not be all that fulfilling. But what people do each day is necessary for survival.

Thanks to Adam and Eve much of life is about work. It is about tilling the fields. It is about putting food on the table, a roof over our heads, and clothes on our back. I don’t think those that were tilling the fields to provide food for their families or working other difficult tasks for survival were necessarily thinking, “Well this is not fulfilling, so what kind of career should I consider instead”. Nope they were surviving. But they still had a purpose, they still had gifts and talents and God had a plan for them and their lives that through the work and the living of day to day life He would be glorified.

As a homemaker we can find many boring monotonous jobs in our day. But each day should not be a focus on this, but rather an opportunity to serve Jesus; an opportunity to “wash the feet of the saints” as we bless our families in our daily tasks (1 Timothy 5:10 well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work) . It will be through this journey that we will find our purpose. Because no purpose in life truly fulfills the soul apart from God. God will reveal our purpose, talents and gifts as we seek each day to love God and glorify Him forever.


  1. This is beautiful and so very true.

  2. very good post! I had a very hard time with the empty nest when it happened ( 5 years ago) I've embraced it now, but it was a struggle to figure out at the time.

    1. I agree! It is a struggle to walk through..


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