Wednesday Snap Shot

Wednesday Snap Shot is a quick peek into my week.

If you'd like to join in on my Wednesday Snap Shot.. copy and paste my post, add your answers (you can also copy the pic..BUT Please download the picture to your computer first.. do not just directly copy and paste.. otherwise you are using my bandwidth..thank you! :).. link your post to my blog and then come back and let me know you shared your week. I'll come and visit you and read about your homemaking week!! :)

So Far This Week
I so hope that all of you mamas out there had a nice Mother's Day. I had a very blessed day.

I've always had a little different view of Mother's Day. I consider myself a 'no fuss' mama. I don't put expectations on my children for this day. If they do extend themselves I find that a blessing. Over the course of the weekend I heard from all 8 of my children. Some texted me, some came for a visit, some called me on the phone.

Having children was my choice, loving them and caring for them was the most wonderful joy I could ever have had in my life. My children have returned that love to me over the years in many ways. And they do it all year round. They call me just to say hi, they come visit me just to sit and have coffee and talk, they text me just wanting to know how my day is going and what I'm cooking for dinner.. :) I feel loved and honored by all of them. I, personally, don't need a special day. I've been a mama now for almost 35 years and every day is special to me.

One thing I do miss this time of year is my own mama. She died about 20 years ago. I still miss her a lot. I miss our conversations, I miss not being able to see her face light up with the birth of each great grandbaby that she will never see, I miss that she has not been a part of my life for so long now. They say “time heals all wounds”, and I'm not sure I really agree with this. The raw, heartbreaking type pain does ease as the years go by. But, at least for me, you never 'heal' from the loss of someone you loved as each day you live, they are still gone, and will never be part of your life again. I cherish the many years of memories I did have with her. She was a special lady.

A picture of my mama... 

On My To-Do List
My sister in law was here last week for a 3 day visit, and that was so wonderful. We are more then just 'sisters in law'.. we are sisters at heart. I've known her for many, many years and our love and relationship is that of sisters. I'm truly thankful for her in my life.

She is back here today, picking up her daughter from the airport and will spend another day or two with us before returning to Montana.

So my to do list is minimal for today. It includes more visit time with her and my sweet niece.

Projects I'm Working On
While she was here last week we started on the upstairs clean out project. We made headway and hopefully I can keep the momentum going and get everything organized and packed into boxes to take to Goodwill.

Today's Weather
After several days of rainy weather we are supposed to have a break for a few days.  This morning is cloudy and the prediction is for the sun to break out this afternoon, I sure hope so!  :)

High, 63
Low, 46

The View from my Deck (or window)

What I'm Reading
With all that I've had going on with company and such, I still did not make a lot of headway through my weekly reading. I made a little progress, but not as much as I usually do.

What I'm Listening To
My hubby and his sister chatting and enjoying morning coffee.. 

Something Frugal I've Done This Week
Homemakers are not the only ones that are frugal in the family. My hubby is also very frugal. He recently noticed that he had a vibration in his car when driving highway speeds. He knew it could be one of a few various issues. Instead of taking it into a shop he solved the problem himself. Knowing his tires were at about the halfway point of their useful life, he decided to first try rotating them. He put the back wheels on the front, and the front on the back. Front tires wear faster then the back. His problem was solved.

He saved money on not having someone else figure out his problem, and he saved the time it would have taken him to go to a shop and wait for them to check things our for him. And the whole process took him one hour.

Fitness and Health for the Week
Sleep.. why is it so easy for some, and so difficult for others? I find sleep to elude me often. This last week I made concerted efforts to get better sleep. I went to bed earlier, I drank much less coffee (I had 1 to 2 cups of coffee and my second cup was made with half decaf coffee), and did not drink any coffee after 12:00 in the afternoon. This did help.

Sleep is an important part of our health. A good nights sleep will provide energy to our body and brain, we will function much better the next day, heart rate, breathing and blood pressure drop, you rebuild muscle cells (important especially if you exercise regularly), and I'm sure much more.

As I've gotten older I find I have to make more of an effort to make sure I get good quality sleep each night.


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