Delicious and Simple! 3 Dutch Oven Dinners


I've really enjoyed using my Dutch Oven this winter. I'm made quite a few meals with it. I wanted to share 3 simple and delicious meals with you..

The first one is Roasted Chicken. I could not believe how moist and delicious this roasted chicken was. I don't plan on roasting chickens any other way in the future! 

Dutch Oven Roasted Chicken Delicious & Moist! Season a 3 to 4 lb chicken with your favorite seasonings. Wash & cut up a few potatoes Put half the potatoes on the bottom of a Dutch oven. Place whole chicken on top. Add remaining potatoes around chicken. Put the lid on and bake at 375 for 1 hour. Remove lid and bake 30 minutes more or until internal temp is at least 165. Serve with potatoes and veggies of choice.

I served it with potatoes and some roasted frozen veggies


If you enjoy One Pot Meals.. then you may really like this one! A lot of wonderful flavor, and so easy!!

Mexican Hamburger Rice Bake 1lb hamburger 1 small onion, chopped 3T taco seasonings 1 cup frozen corn 1 cup salsa ¾ cup white rice 1 ½ cups water or broth Mexican blend cheese or cheese of your choice Toppings as desired (opt): Diced tomatoes Cilantro Green onions Sliced olives Sour cream In a Dutch oven cook hamburger and chopped onion until meat is no longer pink and onions are soft. Drain grease as needed. Add taco seasonings, frozen corn, salsa, rice, and water (or broth). Stir well. Bring to a boil, put lid on and bake at 400 for 22 to 25 minutes (long enough to cook the rice) Remove from oven and stir. Top with desired amount of cheese, put the lid back on to allow it to melt. Serve topped with any of your desired taco type toppings.


This recipe takes advantage of any leftover chicken you may have had from the roasted chicken. We are making Chicken Stew. Or it could be chicken soup. I was wanting more of a stew like texture so I thickened it a bit at the end. If you skip that step then it will be more of a soup. Either way it turned out great!

Dutch Oven Chicken Stew 1 small onion, chopped A few mini peppers (or ¼ of a whole pepper), chopped 3 to 4 mushrooms, sliced Leftover chicken (could be from the Dutch Oven Roasted Chicken) about 2 to 3 cups 2 cups frozen peas & carrots 1 can green beans 2 potatoes, peeled and cubed 3 cups chicken broth Seasonings of your choice, amount is up to your own taste preferences Begin by sautéing the onions, peppers and mushrooms in a little oil. When they are soft add the chicken and remaining veggies. Add the chicken broth and season according to taste Bring to a boil, cover reduce heat to simmer and allow to cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until potatoes are done. If you want it thicker: Combine 1T cornstarch & 1T cold water Add and let simmer a minute or so to thicken up Taste again and adjust seasonings if needed.

Make sure to check out my latest video making these 3 Dutch Oven Dinners! 

My Dutch Oven: This is an affiliate link. I get a small commission if you purchase this item or any items from Amazon thru this link. Thank you for your support!


  1. I was unable to click on the link, could you mention what size dutch oven that was again. Thanks -

  2. I apologize, I was able to find it. Not very computer savvy here. Anyway, the roasted chicken looked so good, I am anxious to get the dutch oven and try it! Thanks!

    1. I'm glad you were able to find it! :) The roasted chicken was amazing.. I was surprised at how moist it was!! -Crystal :)

  3. I don't know how to leave a comment on you tube, just tried your triple berry jam, can't believe how easy and fun it was to make. It reminds me of what both my grandmothers made. One question, after you put it in the jars do you put the lids on while it's hot, or wait for it to cool first and then put the lids on. I didn't know so I put lids on and have them cooling on the counter, then will refrigerate/freeze. Thanks for all the great recipes and ideas!

    1. Sorry to take so long to reply. I'm just seeing the comment. I let mine cool on the counter and then put them in the freezer. Glad you liked making some jam! I was surprised at how simple it was too!! :) I can't wait to make more.
      Crystal :)

  4. I so miss your original site and it's recipe index. I hope you will be posting more of those in the near future 😊

    1. I miss it to, it was a financial decision to take the site down. It was a large site and no longer got a huge amount of traffic it once did. The cost to keep it going was more than the traffic I was getting. One of these days, I would like to do something to simplify it all.. I just lack time to focus on that while working on my YouTube channel.


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