Spring is Here and a Garden Update!

We've had some beautiful weather lately, finally! Last week I took full advantage of it. I spent as much time outside as possible. After a very wet and gray winter the sunshine and warmth was so motivating. I took several long walks, walks with my grandkids, and spent time cleaning up my garden.

Last fall my garden ended and we were busy and by the time I had time to go and get it all cleaned up the rainy season had started. So there it sat all winter. Last week I spent about 4 hours just pulling up stuff and clearing it out in preparation for rototilling.

My hubby did a lot of mowing and has started cutting up the trees that fell during one of our winter storms. After a few days of dry weather the ground was dry enough to do the first run through with the rototiller.

This was the mess I was dealing with...

After a lot of elbow grease here is what I have now..

My seed order arrived a couple weeks ago and that always gets me excited as well...

I transplanted my cabbages that I had started a few weeks ago. It looks like I should have about a dozen cabbage plants. I also planted some tomato seeds and some hot pepper seeds. They are currently germinating.

Here are a few pics from my walks and time with my grandchildren..

I shared this one my FaceBook page but just have to share it again, because it is so sweet. My baby grandson is fascinated with grandpa's tractor. When he was here last week he grabbed grandpa's hand and pulled him over to the tractor so he could get on it and 'drive' it. Grandpa was all over it..

How is your garden coming along? Do you see signs of spring in your area?



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