Thursday on the Homestead


Today hubby is home, he took an extra day off work which is great.  We love it when he is home and he loves being able to get things done around the homestead.


Yesterday I had the nicest visit with a friend.  When she left I made 2 batches of soap.  I had the oils already measured out and the molds ready to go. 


Tobin came home and we chatted for a bit and then I made a 3rd batch.  All my molds were filled and I will take the soap out in another day or so.


I did not end up making soup last night, the kids made sandwiches and Tobin and I ate leftovers of salmon patties and potatoes I had made the night before. 


Tonight I am thinking we are ready for some homemade pizza..  YUM!!


Today I need to give Tobin and my boys a haircut.  I have to make sure the ever present laundry is moving through the system.  I have bread to make and a kitchen floor to clean. 


I will get Sierra to help make the bread today.  With the 3 older girls at home we have such a routine of working in the kitchen that sometimes I forget that Sierra (who is 10) needs more time in there too.  She has helped many times with bread and today I thought I would supervise her and see how far she can go with it on her own.


With the sun shinning and promises of a warm day the kids may enjoy some swimming in the pond this afternoon and Tobin and I can sit and watch and enjoy the time with them. 


That sums up Thursday on the Homestead! 


  1. Love reading about your homestead and all that you do there.

    Thanks for sharing with us all and for all that you do.

    God bless,


  2. Crystal,

    Sounds like a wonderful day...glad Tobin could take an extra day off. You sound like me....cutting all the boys hair. I do Jon and the boys too. Sure save a lot of money doing that.

    Give my love to your family.

    Blessings my friend,



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