Wednesday Snap Shot

Good (late) afternoon friends! I was set to work on this post when I got up this morning but my hubby wanted to run into town to pick up a few things and get some groceries. So off to town we went. It was nice to get it all done early, before the traffic picks up and the whole city can end up a snarled mess.

Over the weekend I enjoyed finally having some time to sew. I made my aprons and potholders. I'll share about those in just a minute. It made me remember how much I love to sew and how much I've missed it in the last couple of years.

On Monday I spent time doing housework and getting the home back in shape after a weekend of neglect. :)

On Tuesday my daughter Hannah and her children came over (along with her nephew that she was watching for the day). It was a cold and very windy day but we didn't let that stop us from getting out and walking. Here's a pic of my grandbabies (and the sweet little nephew) with the Columbia River behind them. 


The other news I'm excited to share with you is my daughter is expecting again! She was ready to share the news publicly and this is how she did it.. 


Very cute and clever in my opinion!  The newest little babe will be born in March.

I've actually completed a lot of my goals for today already. The grocery shopping is done, the animals have been fed, the mail collected and even though there's a misty rain falling I went for a short walk. I'm not far from my 10,000 steps now.

Before the day ends I have a load of laundry to do, finish putting some of my groceries away, and clear the clutter off the dining room table. Not sure where it all comes from! Ha, ha.. And make dinner.

For the Love of Books!
This last week I started and finished reading Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling. It was a fairly quick read. Either that or I spent more time reading than typical! :) Rudyard Kipling is the author of Jungle Book, the story that Disney turned into a movie. I've never read that book but now after reading Captains Courageous I think I will. I'm more than positive it will be much different from the cartoon movie.

I'm loving all the little projects I've been working on. The first one I want to show you is the 2 aprons I made. These are made from tea towels. I had bought a set of 2 towels from IKEA early in the summer and put them on the shelf intending to use them at some point. I totally forgot about them until I came across a YouTube showing how to make these little aprons. The video is by Missouri Star Quilt Co. You can see the videos HERE Part 1. And PART 2.

Here are the ones I made..

I love the way they turned out. It's a super easy and quick project and I think perfect to make for gift giving. Mine are going to be used as Christmas gifts.

The other project I did was to make a couple potholders. I did not use anyone's pattern I did my own thing. I'll share about that on another blog post. But here is what I made...

The best part of them is that they were virtually free. The fabric came from my scrap bin and I used an old towel that had been tossed into the cleaning rags for the center. I also want to make a few more with other scraps I have. I think these would make a great addition to any gift baskets I may create this year.

Frugal Living
As I'm writing this post I'm hearing my hubby installing our winter windows. We live in an old house with very little insulation. The house can be so drafty and cold in the winter. My smart hubby made these reusable storm windows years ago. 


I wrote about them in a WSS last year and gave more detail on them. If you're interested you can find that post HERE.

Fitness and Health
I'm still at it, walking and walking and walking. Some days I get out 2 or 3 times and walk shorter distances each time rather than taking one big walk. I find that this is helping a lot to build my muscles back up and increase my endurance.

View from my Deck
This is the kind of day that makes you want to make a hot cup of coffee (or tea or hot cocoa), get the fuzzy slippers on, grab a book and curl up with the wood stove going and enjoy the time. That may be how my evening will look! It's currently 46 degrees out and I'm not sure if it will make it to today's predicted high of 50.

Today's weather: High: 50 Low: 42

That is all for this week! Hope you are having a fantastic week!


  1. Congratulations on the new grandbaby, so exciting! Best wishes to your daughter for a healthy, happy pregnancy!

    I love your aprons! They're so fresh and cheerful. I have several store-made aprons (one my mom gave me that she didn't want, one I got from a yard sale for a dollar, and one that I used to wear at my old job), and two that I made myself out of men's long sleeved button-up shirts. They're all good for different purposes and I love wearing them! Well done on the ones you made! :)

    1. Thank you! We're excited about our newest granbabgr ❤.. I've seen aprons made from men's shirts and they are so cute!! I love aprons too. Crystal 😊


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