Canning Corn off the Cob

Last week it was time to harvest my corn. My corn was a bit behind others in my area. I got it planted a little late but that was ok. Up until now I was drowning in a sea of tomatoes! Ha, ha!! My son and I picked it...

Had to get a pic of my sunflowers.. they're looking so pretty right now..

Then we just sat by the goat fence and shucked it and tossed the husks to the goats. It was efficient and the goats were in heaven having all those corn husks...

I had over 100 ears of corn...

I raw packed my corn. I took about ¾ of the ears and scraped the the corn off the cob.

You can use a knife for this. I have a nifty little corn cob scraper that does a great job.

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Then I filled pint size jars up with corn, covered in boiling water, put a new lid and a ring on the jars and filled up my canner. You can stack jars as I did here..

Corn is a low acid food and you must use a pressure canner to can it. I canned pint jars for 55 minutes at 10#'s of pressure. Quarts would be 75 minutes.

I ended up with 33 pints of corn off the cob and the rest of the corn that did not get canned was left for eating!!


  1. You make it seem easy. Think I will save this for when my corn comes on. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. The corn looks great. It's such a nice color in the jars. I freeze most of our corn but do like some canned for using in soups, Mexican type dishes and salads. It has such a lovely crunch. Blessings! Janet, from Virginia


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