Homestead Moments for the Week

Here is a look at a few homestead moments from this week..

On Sunday we were blessed with a dry day (the second of two) and the garden was dry enough to rototill. I cleaned up some of the plants that were left behind in October and Tobin rototilled. I am so excited to get the garden season going!!

Muffins.. I had a few overripe bananas that needed to be used up. I made a double batch of my banana muffin recipe:  and used 3 large bananas and added a handful of chocolate chips to them. They make a great easy breakfast or a quick snack. I put a lot of them in the freezer.. muffins freeze very well…


Ever have a slow running drain? Well my bathtub drain was draining a bit too slow. I had Isaac remove the overflow and clean it up but it still drained slow. So I poured a ½ cup of baking soda down the drain and then poured some vinegar down the drain (did not measure.. just poured some in).. and it fizzed a lot..Then I followed this with a tea kettle full of boiling water.. and now the drain works just fine!! Yea for naturally solving problems! 


Changes again on the homestead! My daughter Emily landed herself a fantastic accounting job! We are super excited for her! It really was a God “thing”.. She was interviewed first on the phone, then in person and then finally a third interview with the man that had been interviewing her and 2 other accountants for the company.. the first man that interviewed her was rooting for her.. he felt she was perfect for the job.. There were 2 other applicants. The accounts wanted one of the other two (they had more experience than Emily). Then they all interviewed her.. it lasted an hour.. and in the end the other accounts said.. “she’s the one”!!!!! Two hours after Emily left the interview she was called and asked when she could start!! The job is a 2 ½ hour drive from our home. She has now moved in with a friend and is only a short drive from the job.. so my household goes down by one… Life does move forward!!

Finally for the week.. This morning I attended our county republican convention. Last month we had a caucus (our state did not have a presidential primary). I was nominated and voted to be one of my precincts delegates. All the delegates today voted on what 3 people to send to the state convention. I was very happy with the outcome. My two children, Jacob and Leanne, had been voted in as alternate delegates and they also attended with me today. It was a fantastic experience to see our political process in action. I was very happy to be a part of it. 

That is it from the homestead. Today is a beautiful day out and I have my littlest granddaughter here and we are heading outside to enjoy the heat and sunshine!


  1. Congrats on being chosen as ua delegate! I laughed out loud at your 2nd line wondering where does this woman live? You see I li ve in Texas and would never call a day without rain a blessing becaus even when it floods here it's not long before we are praying for rain, especially after these past few years! When I saw you were from Washington state, I understood!

    1. Hi Mama Sue! I was voted a precinct delegate so I was able to vote for the state delegates.. but am not a state delegate.. :) Just wanted to clarify.. ha..ha.. yea we know rain and wet very well.. where I live in WA state we get 75 to 100 inches of rain a year! So dry days are cherished! LOL!! :)

  2. I always enjoy seeing photos of your garden from right after you have tilled it to the last of your harvests!
    Before I left on vacation (to your beautiful state BTW) I had a friend pick me up a BIG bottle of vinegar based on your recent posts...I am going to use your idea first thing Monday!
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: Congrats to your daughter!

  3. I haven't been able to post a blog lately because we have been going like crazy. But I am excited to be getting my gardens going. Should be planting by next weekend! My daughter has been accepted into the Respitory Therapy program a her college! We are very excited that she has decided on a field and getting started this fall! Hope you have fun with that grandbaby!

  4. oh man, the pictures of your tilled garden make me hungry to get ours done. In the middle of the winter we cleaned out our sheep pens and put the straw on our garden plot. Earlier this spring my husband disked it but we haven't been able to get to tilling it. It is a mess right now. I can't wait to get it done. Out daughter is getting married in a couple of weeks so we are too busy right now to get it done. Can't usually plant till at LEAST the middle of may anyway. Thanks for posting the picture.

  5. You have the most beautiful garden. I know it's not planted yet but my goodness!!! You have such a wonderful sized garden!

  6. How wonderful for Emily in this economy! You must be so proud! Angela

  7. Thanks for the banana muffin recipe! You use about half of the banana of my other recipe - yours will go much farther! :) Can't wait to try it!


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