Wednesday on the Homestead

As I was contemplating a variety of subjects to blog about this morning I thought to myself.. I should be blogging about summer related things, such as surviving a heat wave, cooking in the summer, staying cool type posts.. and honestly I wish could. However we here in the Pacific Northwest are still waiting for summer to arrive. Oh we’ve had a day here and there that was nice and gave the hope that summer was on its way. But many days have been just like yesterday. Cloudy, cool, rainy at times, highs in the mid to upper 60’s. Yep.. kind of depressing for someone who loves everything about summer.. the hotter the better (except humidity.. which is something we don’t deal with here.. hot AND humid is not that great). Anywho.. imagine my surprise when I woke up to sunshine this morning! The weather man told me different and he was wrong.. at least this time and I am thrilled that he was wrong! :)

So this morning I had to go outside and sit for a bit to enjoy my cup of coffee and thank the Lord for this blessing. I took a few pictures from my deck of the beautiful sunshine .. just in case it doesn’t hang around today I wanted to remember what it looks like!

Pretty.. :) One thing my garden does not show from this view is all the weeds that have cropped up in the last few rainy days. So my plans today, if the weather stays nice, is to go down and soak up as much sun as I can while I weed and tend to my garden.

Before I do that I plan to get my house picked up a bit. I did a thorough upstairs to basement cleaning on Monday so today is just pick up the clutter, do a little sweeping, tend to the kitchen and swipe the bathroom clean. Plus dinner preps. I looked at menu and saw today was supposed to be beef stew, but I am feeling more like bbq chicken and potato salad.. something more summer like!

Hope you are having a great day on your homestead today!


  1. Your place is gorgeous, regardless of your weather. Love your garden. May you have more sunshine coming your way.

  2. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them :O)

    Have a blessed day!

    Christi jo

  3. It's winter here in New Zealand, we have has some beautiful sunny days this week - sure makes a difference. Hope your sun stays!

    Your garden is looking great!

    Love Leanne

  4. Scorching hot here in Northern Illinois! But I am thankful, for the cold winter will be upon us again and this summer will be but a sweet memory. Your area looks beautiful! Enjoy your lil bit of summer!

  5. Waiting for summer to arrive sounds lovely! We're very much dreaming of fall's arrival here in AZ.

  6. Oh that sounds really nice! From early morning to late night it is hot and muggy here in Missouri. I know there are places that are a lot worse but if you aren't used to it, it is hard. Looking forward to fall already! Hope you enjoyed your beautiful day!

  7. Wow, your property is gorgeous!!! Glad you have been graced with cool temps, we're still roasting here in central California. But it's the season and soon fall will be here. Have a wonderful week!

  8. I'm in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon..and here I live we've had that crazy weather...lots of clouds, cool temps, and unexpected rain...and very few sumemr days...although today is nice and warm :) :) There's a period of about 10 days were we have temps that are 100 degrees or more...but that hasn't happened yet. I'm not sure if we'll get them, given that we're already on the latter half of July. We'll see...

    I like the warmer temps, because I can open the windows. We have screens and let in the nice breezes. Have a great week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  9. What beautiful scenery. You are one blessed woman! Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures.


  10. WOW, WOW, WOW, what beautiful, spectacular scenery you get to enjoy day in and day out, WOW!!!

  11. I hear you about our PNW weather, cool, rainy, windy. My cabbage and potatoes are the only veggies thriving. Tomatoes are just starting to flower and are short. Peppers are 7" tall and no flowers. Cukes are just starting to set fruit and I have the smallest zucchini plants ever. Your garden is lovely. Hopefully it will warm up and we can harvest before frost sets in.


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