Gardens and Weeds…
So the biggest question that has come my way of late has to do with the lack of weeds in my garden and how I do this.. what is my secret?? The answer is: I pick them! .. no big secret here. I hoe between the rows with my trusty stirrup hoe and pick them out of the rows. I spend anywhere from 20 minutes to one hour 4 to 5 days a week in my garden and most of that time is spent weeding. I don’t really know any other way to deal with them (aside from chemicals which I don’t want in my garden).. I could mulch and I do a little of that, but not enough to keep the weeds under control. I just try to consistently stay on top of them and get them picked before they take over and are overwhelming. This is why I have a great tan this summer! Haa.. haa.. I get exercise, sun and get to be outdoors and I get fresh veggies in the end for all my efforts. ...