Wednesday on the Homestead

I played around with the idea of making lasagna for dinner.  It is one of Tobin’s most favorite dinners and he has been working 6 to 7 days a week lately so I figured he would enjoy it.  But then I looked in my fridge and saw leftover pot roast and leftover cranberry chicken and leftover rice..  so the lasagna will wait until tomorrow night (and Tobin will appreciate it then too!  ) and tonight will be stir fry with my leftovers.  As I type right now I have 6 loaves of bread rising in my oven and Isaac is mopping the kitchen floor.  When he is done I will start working on my dinner preps.  

The weather is crisp and cold out!  Last night was in the teens and with the wind chill it was down in the single digits..  pretty cold for these parts.   The snow that fell never amounted to much on Sunday and yesterday the sun came out in time for me to snap these pictures…


Tomorrow they are predicting more snow.  So Emily and Leanne headed into town this morning to do some Christmas shopping.  Emily has a couple weeks off from her nanny job and is taking a break from studying.  Her next test to study for is pre-calculus and she is not ready to tackle that one until after the holidays.  I posted a congrats to Emily blog post the other day for finishing her first and second year of college in less than 8 months and someone asked me what degree she earned.  She has not earned her degree yet, she has finished to the half way point now and is working towards a bachelors degree in accounting.  She should be done sometime next fall if she stays on track.   

As soon as my son has had time to recover I am looking forward to asking what homemade food he would like to eat when he gets home..  anything mom makes he might be craving? I will find out!  And Emily wants to ask what kind of homemade goodies he wants so she and her sisters can do some baking for him!  Looks like he will be getting lots of special attention while he is home.   

Now it looks like my clean kitchen floor is about dry so I am off to make dinner and finish baking my bread.  Have a great evening on your homesteads! 


  1. I clicked over from another friends' list of friends. LOL

    I see you are in Stevenson. OK, I give up. Where is that? I'm in Enumclaw, on the West Side. Our homestead is in Tonasket, up by the border, in the Okanogan. Your pictures are gorgeous, and boy oh boy it's been cold. From your temps, I'd guess you are on the east side. My DS is driving home tomorrow from WSU in this mess. I'll be praying.

    And I'm glad your son is home in the U.S. Big relief, no?

  2. One more question. How did you get that Feed Burner update thing to work? I went to the site but there are no instructions!

  3. Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds BlogDecember 20, 2008 at 3:28 AM

    What beautiful pictures! We moved south about a year ago and said goodbye to snow and ice skating! I miss it. Congrats on your son coming home from Iraq! What a huge blessing.


    Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds

  4. I made lasaguna for dinner Thursday. The pictures of your homestead look very pretty. Hope you have a merry Christmas!


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