Snow Storm

We have been hit by a big snow storm.  We have spent the last couple of days dealing with lots of snow fall and blizzard like conditions.  So far thankfully we have not lost power.  To give you and idea of how much snow has fallen here is a picture I took last week that showed the dusting of snow we got on our picnic table..

And here is what it looks like today:

Tobin had to get out his tractor on Saturday to clear the driveway so he could get out of the drive way to make it to work Saturday night.

He put chains on the car and left early to make the drive.  We live in an area that can be somewhat treacherous with the winter weather.  The interstate on the other side of the Columbia River had already been closed down by the time he left.  A drive that normally takes him about 40 minutes took him 2 hours with blizzard like conditions and his wipers freezing at time. Shortly after he left for work the state closed our highway down to semi-trucks and after talking with Tobin about his drive into work I would not want to be on that road in a car either! 

With more snow forecasted and highway’s being closed down we both pretty well knew that after getting to work he probably would come home till things settled down.  This morning we woke to even more snow.  Here was what it looked like out my basement door when I opened it up…

Those are steps that lead up and out of the basement and into our woodshed!  When Jacob got up he shoveled it all and a path to the wood shed so we could make sure we could get wood in.  Here is what it looked like after he shoveled…

Tobin chose not to come home which is a good thing.  No point taking on more risk than he has to.  He was also the only mechanic that made it in for the night shift and the day shift!  So it was a good thing he was there.  He did mange to get some sleep and went to a nearby restaurant to eat and give me a call.  So now the real question we both have..  will he be able to get home tomorrow?  The snow is still falling and 1/4 an inch of freezing rain is expected in the city.  

Here are a few more pics of our place in the snow.  The pond has completely frozen over…

This is looking from our wood shed into the back yard..

That is the back tail light of Emily’s car

Anyway in the mean time we are dealing with the elements on the homestead, keeping the fire going and the wood supply coming in, checking on goats and changing their water as it freezes through the day, and praying we don’t loose power.  But even if we do we will do fine, I am sure.  I am prepared with flashlights, LED lights, propane stove, and a battery and inverter to help run a few things.

This afternoon Emily and Leanne made cookies and then made a nice pot of tea.  We pulled out the book Eight Cousins (Louisa May Alcott) and the four of us began reading, sipping tea and enjoying a few cookies.  It has been a nice way to spend the afternoon.   

Well that is all from my cold and snowy homestead!! Hope you are keeping warm and safe during these winter storms..  


  1. Yes, that's about it....lots n lots n lots of snow. My husband had Friday off, but had to be in early this morning and is pulling a double at the hospital. Apparently Christmas even will have snow and ice as we travel a short ways to both our parents.

    You live on a whole lot of land. I loved the pic of your daughters car. I can't imagine how she got it out of there.

    Thanks so much for sharing dear friend!


  2. Hi, when i talked to my sister in law today and she said they had snow and the gorge was shut down, i didnt really get what she meant til now.. thanks for posting those pics, it helped me to really understand what she meant. we've never had snow like that here in SC or NC where i grew up, not that i remember anyways' My hubby has told me stories of walls of snow when he was young, growing up in Mt hood. You all stay warm and safe. Whens your son coming in from Ft Bragg? I hope he will be able to make it home safely. Have a merry christmas n happy new year!!!! Holly Roberts

  3. Wow that is amazing for the pacific northwest!!!!!

    I hope you are staying warm and safe,


  4. Those pictures are amazing. I've never seen snow in real life, not even a dusting. I just checked our weather forcast here in Merredin, Western Australia and we have 36, 35, 37, 36, 36, 36, 37 degrees celcius coming for the next week! That's hovering around 100 degrees farenheit! It's gonna be a hot Christmas here and a cold one there. But God is sovreign over it all! Have a blessed Christmas, and I pray your power doesn't go out. Merry Christmas.

    Larissa Quinn

  5. I can't believe the snow! I live in GA and it finally got cold yesterday (51 degrees for a high). Up until yesterday, it had been around 75 during the daytime and about 68 at night. I absolutely cannot imagine having snow like yours! I know it must be bad when you have to live in it, but for those of us who are lucky to get even a few flurries each winter, your snow is beautiful! Stay safe and warm!



  6. We live in Virginia, they were calling for snow on Christmas and they changed it this morrning, Now they are calling for rain :( Oh well God knows best!

  7. That is so BEAUTIFUL! I would LOVE to see that kind of snow.It was 65* here yesterday morning. We are expecting a high today of 40* and it is forcasted to be 71* on Christmas Eve :- )

    Merry Christmas!

    Amanda <><

    II Corinthians 5:7

  8. Well, I don't think we're going to have a hard time having a white Christmas! Our home looked like yours on Friday. My hubby was able to stay home from work that day. I think we got close to a foot of snow. We're going to be getting more snow on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm glad I'm able to stay home with the kids, but I do pray for those who have to travel. I'm glad your husband made it safely to work. Have a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    God Bless


  9. Holy Toledo! Makes me so glad we moved from Michigan to Tennessee. =) Oh I don't miss the snow at all - it snowed all of 1/2 inch and the whole town ground to a standstill. Awesome. It melted a couple of days later which was perfect. The children miss the snow terribly though and say it doesn't feel like Christmas because of the lack of snow. I disagree. =D

    My good gravy, those stairs. Brrrrrrr. Makes me shiver just looking at them.

    Oh I do hope Tobin makes it home in time for Christmas with you.

    Wishing you a very merry one. =) Hope your power stays on too! =)

  10. I have never seen so much snow in all my life - my goodness. I really pray that your DH has or does make it home safely and I pray that the snow stops. As pretty as it looks, I guess it is the after effects and the freezing that is not good.

    Take care and stay warm.

    Have a lovely Christmas



  11. We live in Idaho and we have had the same snow! We are surrounded by wheat fields and so with the horrible wind that has accompanied this snow we have gotten some huge drifts. Some of them about 7 feet tall! What is this about global warming? heehee!

    Great time for us to just snuggle with our kiddos, read and stay warm!

  12. I'm a new reader to your blog. I posted as Anon because I don't have the web address they wanted but my name is Nicole and I have 2 little girls. I can already see I am going to learn a lot from your site and I look forward to it. We're trying to get back to our roots I suppose. To live a simpler life. And this site is just what we need. I live in central Ohio and it's been raining for 2 days. I'd LOVE to have a white Christmas but we haven't seen one in years. Merry Christmas and God Bless to you and your family!

  13. Hi Crystal! WOW! Pretty pictures! We have had lots of snow and ice here on our homestead. Do you guys use electric waters for your goats? We actually have a electric water heater that floats in the water pail to keep it from freezing. We have to run an extension cord to the barn, but it is well worth it.


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