Monday on the Homestead


I tossed and turned a lot last night. I do attribute my restless night to the two cups of black tea I drank in the evening… I love a cup of tea in the evenings and black tea is my favorite.. but I pay for it. I will have to be a good girl next time and drink some herb tea instead. Despite the lack of good sleep I was up at 5:30 this morning. I had a cup of coffee, checked my email and enjoyed some quiet time.  


Emily was up a little after 6 and she had her coffee and Bible time. I packaged orders and then it was time to get her to work. She has not gotten her drivers license yet.. that will hopefully happen at the end of the week. She has scheduled a drive test for Saturday morning and we are praying she passes. Then she will do the 5 minute drive to work herself!  But I have not minded.. she drives down the hill and after saying good bye to her I drive back up the hill. 


By the time I got back Tobin was home from work and we chatted for awhile and then he went to bed. The younger kids started waking up one by one. They spent the first part of their morning reading their Bibles and then had the last of the blueberry muffins (the ones I made on Saturday) and a pineapple smoothie for breakfast. 


Then it was on to a little light housecleaning. Isaac vacuumed the rugs by the doors, Sierra unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it and also washed some dishes by hand. Then she swept the kitchen floor and with Isaac’s help they did a super duper scrub the kitchen floor by hand cleaning.. I went back over the floor with Mop and Glo.. My kitchen floor is quite high maintenance but it looking pretty nice right now.


I started a load of napkins in the wash and then pulled out the things I needed to grate up some laundry soap. I grated it (after it was cut up) and Jacob my capable helper cut up the soap and then bagged and labeled it all. 


Sierra and Isaac also picked up the living room, dusted it and vacuumed it. In just a bit they will both be spending some time cleaning their rooms.


I also worked a little on a baby blanket I am crocheting for my daughter Hannah. I think I made a mistake somewhere because it is not looking right on the sides… here I thought I was doing so well and now it looks like I will need to pull some stitches out!  


That is how my Monday on my little homestead has started out.. oh yes.. I also had another two cups of coffee amidst the morning busyness.


The rest of day I plan to go and look through some books on my shelves and in boxes. I am going to order a little curriculum and need to see what I have so I don’t order something I already own. After Tobin gets up him and I will head into town for our little date afternoon/night.. or maybe I should say our one on one time. Our first stop will be Starbucks (can you tell I like my coffee.. LOL). Then we just sit and enjoy some time chatting with each other before we head off to run errands. Sometimes we end the evening by going out to dinner and sometimes we are ready to come home and enjoy the evening with the kids watching whatever our favorite TV show is. Currently we have two going. We finished season 3 of Alias and I ordered season 4 but it has not come. So in the meantime I started ordering LOST through Netflix. I figured it would only be a couple of times and then Alias would arrive.. but my seller on Amazon is making me a bit irritated. No response to my emails and no acknowledgement from him that he even got my order.  So I think I will be filing a claim with Amazon and ordering from a different seller. 


Dinner tonight is leftover Hamburger Pineapple Bean Bake and leftover casserole from last night and some leftover coleslaw. I will add some tortilla chips to it and I think I will have Sierra bake some cookies and we will be set.. or the kids will be set if Tobin and I decide to have dinner in town. 


That all for Monday on the homestead.. Hope you all have a blessed Monday on your homesteads! 


  1. My my you are a busy woman Crystal!!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  2. Crystal! we should call you super Have a good time tonight ..

    Sister Brenda

  3. I enjoy reading your blog! I nominated you for an award. Come on over and pick it up!

  4. Oh my goodness, is Hannah expecting?!

  5. I've followed your blog for a while, enjoy reading about your homestead life. I didn't realize Hannah had gotten married. Congrats on the new grandbaby-on-the-way. :)

  6. I agree you are very busy :). I have made your Yummy Pinto Beans and adapted this recipe slightly and I made this recipe in the crockpot. I also made your Tuna fishcakes with rice - photos I have put on my website.

    I love your recipies and both of these that I tried today and last week were just so scrummy.

    Have a wonderful blessed weekend



  7. I too have enjoyed your blog and I too have nominated you for an award. The details are on my blog.

  8. hi Crystal this is MicaLynn from the message board i meant to ask what Carolyn's and Hannah's due dates were.. Was just wonderig if they were near mine and Susan's which are around the 17-20th.. either way it should be interesting.. two of my cousins recently had babies and they had them a day apart..*Their sisters*

  9. I've enjoyed looking through your blog, what a woman you are! Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. Hi,

    I loved your blog posts. While I have not signed up, I do navigate to your blog once in a while and catch up. I too am putting up a portal called I would find it very encouraging if you and your friends could register on my website and give me your views on the articles that I have uploaded there. My email is I am still building the site, but I hope to make it a one stop for homemaker information. Please do visit and leave your comments. I will truly appreciate your cooperation.


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