Updates from the Homestead
Well I am up and running on a new computer! Mine was having big issues and last week my multi-talented hubby bought all the parts to make me a new computer (he admits he is a part time computer geek.. lol..)! Then he loaded Vista , all of which took one evening and most of the following day. Then more major work came, I had to load all my programs up and then transfer all my files from the old computer to the new one. That took up the rest of the week as I got my email reset, my website program and files loaded and working and on and on. This week has been the challenge of learning to use some new programs (some of the programs I was using were not compatible with Vista so I had to buy the updated versions.. I think they do this on purpose ) and learning my way around Vista . I have to say I am quite pleased to be able to be up and running without problem and so much faster now! On Sunday I enjoyed a huge highlight of the week!...