Tuesday and Amusing Animals

Today is Tuesday already.. Monday chores are overflowing into todayÂ’s chores so I best get at it!!  My computer time is almost up!


The weather in our parts is still rain, rain, rain..  and did I mention it has been raining??   I am hoping it will end before we go sliding down the hill side here.  I am quickly reaching the verge of my mud tolerances.  But it is not like there is anything I can do about this!!


Yesterday I saw the funniest thingsÂ…  There was this lull in the rain and I looked outside my living room window to see our horse Buddy standing and eating grass.  Then about 5 minutes later it started getting very, very dark and thunder and lighting came.  I wondered if it would bother him, so I looked out again.. there he was still in the same spot eating grass.  Then within another 5 minutes there was this torrent of hail stones that started falling.. I wondered how that would affect him.. I looked out and there he was in the same spot, eating grass and totally not intimidated nor bothered by it at all!!  LOL..  


Animals are so amusing!  Now for the Pomeranian update.  They will be 4 weeks old tomorrow.  They have almost learned to crawl out of the box!  We are constantly amazed that these little tiny pups do very dog like things.. bark (kinda like a bark), play with each other, even growl and wag their tail!   LOL.. I canÂ’t figure out why this amazes us all.  Someone will see them doing something cute, like.. “Look mom he is wagging his tail!!” and we all run to see!!  I will try and post some more pics because they keep changing in their looks.  It will be a sad day when we sell them, but dad has a limit to the number of PomÂ’s he can handle in the house! 


Hope you all have a great Tuesday on your homesteads!! 


  1. I am constantly amazed by our animals as well. The way they can take the cold- unbelievable!! We humans are such wimps :) I hope the rain lets up soon, I would hate for you to slide away LOL


  2. When I raised puppies I think THEY were sometimes amazed that they could do 'dog things'. The expression of a puppy the first time he barked was of sheer astonishment!

    Poms sound great; looking forward to more pictures!

  3. Would that I could be like your horse; oblivious to and unbothered by the storms of life!!

    Shelley Jo


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