Menu Monday!

Happy Labor Day! Do you have fun things planned for this day? A bbq or a picnic maybe? :) Hubby had to work last night so today we have not planned anything big. We were hoping to go and visit my daughter and family, but they have colds, so we will go another day.

The weather here is cloudy and cool, but despite that we are going to have a little bbq. I have some steaks in the freezer that I bought a couple months ago when they were on sale. I think I'll make some garlic red potatoes in my Instant Pot and I have a cantaloupe that I need to use. Maybe I'll add a little garlic bread with this.

The rest of the week is looking like this...

Pork Chops
I found a good deal on pork chops last week when I was shopping. I'll make a rub with my favorite combo of spices (salt, pepper, garlic, Italian seasonings) and then cook them up in my IP. I'll serve rice and a salad on the side.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Homemade chicken broth, chicken, a few veggies and noodles equals YUM! And with the cooler weather a pot of soup is sounding good. Crackers and a salad will round out the meal.

It's been a while since I made meatloaf and it sounds like a good choice this week. I'll make mashed potatoes and cook up a veggie to go with it. Not sure what veggie yet, I'll see what looks good when I go shopping this week.

I never did get the chili made that I had on my menu last week, so if I need another meal for the week, it will be chili. This should do it for us!

Happy menu planning!!



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