Menu Monday!!


Hope everyone had a nice Father's Day and it was a relaxing day for dad. :) My hubby had to work, as usual on the weekends but he did enjoy a little relaxation and attention from the family over the weekend.

I've been desperately waiting for summer to start. It has been a lot of days of wet and cool temps. After hubby and I got back from our little trip I had planned to get the rest of my garden in. However it has rained so much that garden planting has not happened. Today, finally, the sun will be out and the weather much better and I hope to be out in the garden!!

I have quick and easy pork chops planned for tonight. Twenty minutes in the Instant Pot makes pork chops that are falling apart tender. I'll serve rice and a salad to go along with the meal. That should make it a hassle free dinner after I finish my garden work.

This is my plan for the rest of the week...

Roasted Chicken
I want to make another batch of bone broth this week and figured the best way to get my chicken bones is to make roasted chicken for dinner. I'll “roast” the chicken in my IP. I'm planning potato salad (IP), and watermelon to go along with the meal.

Chicken Pot Pie
Using leftover chicken and some of the chicken broth from the chicken bones I'll make a pan of chicken pot pie. I'll serve a nice salad or coleslaw on the side.

Sub Sandwiches & Soup
I have a couple jars of my homemade tomato soup base still on the shelf. I'll make a pot of tomato soup and sub sandwiches. Some kind of summery fruit like watermelon, cantaloupe or strawberries (or maybe all 3 for a fruit salad!) will round out a yummy and colorful meal!

That should do it for the week! How's your menu planning coming along?



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