Menu Monday!

After a couple busy weeks this week should settle down. The rain and cloudy weather is back and I'm already missing the warm sunny days we had. But I'll make some cool weather comfort food to get us through the gray and wet.

Here is what is on my plan..

Pork Loin Roast
I'll serve this roast with rice pilaf and a salad. It's a pretty big roast so there will be plenty for leftovers or lunches.

Beef Stroganoff
A yummy comfort food that is quick to put together. I'll serve it with my last jar of home canned green beans and dinner rolls.

I'll serve this lasagna with french bread and a nice green salad.

Chicken n Dumplings
Yet another comfort food for the gray wet days. Broccoli sounds like a good side dish for this meal.

That should do it for the week! How's your menu planning coming along?



  1. Kathryn A MetzgerMay 17, 2016 at 5:16 PM

    Do you still sell unscented goat milk soap? I'd love some, if you do!

  2. Kathryn.. life got so busy and crazy for me I stopped making soap to sell. I don't have any unscented soap now.. I may make it again in the future. But for now, I'm on a soap making break..


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