Garden Season 2015!!

Last year, for several reasons, I decided not to plant a garden. It was a good choice for me. But one thing is for sure, I missed it!! So this year I'm ready for a garden again. Actually my daughter Hannah and I are planting the garden together. She does not have enough sunshine in her back yard for a garden so we thought, why don't we do it together? So that is the plan.

I ordered my seeds a few weeks ago. Nothing like an order of seeds to get a person excited at the possibilities!! 

Over the weekend I got my tomato seeds planted. They are now warm and germinating. Should be an exciting garden season!! 



  1. You are so right about picking your seeds and the excitement it brings, I bought my seeds this weekend and drew out my plan for the garden and tonight I am going to start them inside. I love this time of year:)

  2. Hurray for garden season! You have a lovely blog and your header is gorgeous.

  3. My youngest son is in 4H. One of his projects this year is doing a garden. It's been fun getting seeds ready and figuring out what all we need to do.


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