Canning White Bean Chicken Chili

The other night I needed a quick dinner. After a chaotic week I had not prepared what I’d planned. I went downstairs to my canning cupboard and grabbed a couple quarts of white bean chicken chili. It dawned on me as I was preparing it that it is a recipe that I meant to post back in the fall time, and never did. So I figured I’d post it now. It is so yummy, and so easy for a quick dinner.

This meal MUST be canned in a pressure canner. It cannot be canned in a boiling water bath canner. It contains meat, beans and vegetables and these are all low acid foods. All low acid foods must be canned in a pressure canner.

You will need to know and understand basic canning procedures to follow this recipe. I did not go “step by step” for canning.

White Bean Chicken Chili
~recipe will make 6 to 7 quarts

3 #’s navy beans
1 ½ gallons water
2T salt

2 #’s boneless, skinless chicken (breasts or thighs, your choice)
1 quart corn or 4 cups frozen corn
1 large or 2 medium size onions, chopped
2 – 7oz cans chopped green chiles
7 cloves garlic, crushed
2T chili powder
2t cumin
1 quart chicken broth
Reserved bean broth (approximately 2 to 3 quarts)

In a very large stock pot (mine is 14 quart size) combine beans, water and salt. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for one hour. After one hour, drain beans of broth but save bean broth to add some back into soup later on.

While beans are simmering chop chicken meat into small pieces and set aside (no need to cook the meat ahead of time as it will cook while the soup is simmering).

After beans have been drained, return to stock pot and add chicken meat, corn, onions, chiles, garlic, chili powder and cumin. Stir and add chicken broth. Now add reserved bean broth until it covers the soup.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

Prepare quart jars by washing and pouring boiling water in them so they are hot. Fill hot jars with the hot soup. Wipe the top of the jar rim clean and put a (new) lid on. Apply a ring and tighten finger tight.

Put jars in canner and follow instructions for your canner.

This soup needs to be canned at 10 pounds pressure for 90 minutes for quart jars. If you want to can this using pint jars you can. In that case it would be 10 pounds pressure for 75 minutes. If you live in a high altitude area make sure to adjust pressure for your altitude: 

To use this chili…

Open jar and pour into soup pot. Heat to boiling. Remove from heat and add:
½ cup sour cream

Taste, add salt if needed. Serve and enjoy..



  1. Love white bean chicken chili!! Even better when it is all prepared and sitting on the pantry shelf for me :) Quick question: Is that 3 pounds of dried beans or 3 pounds cooked beans? If dry, do I need to soak them over night? Thanks!

    1. That is 3#'s dried beans and no you don't need to soak them..

  2. I love it with sour cream and some shredded cheese. Yummy. Thank you.

  3. I love it with sour cream and shredded cheese. Yummy. Thank you:)

  4. I cannot wait to try this. I was wondering is this something you could do with left over Thanksgiving turkey? I always have a lot of left overs.

  5. pattyajwill@gmail.comNovember 11, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    I am new to canning and this will be my first try. I have been reading about pressure canning until my head is about to explode. A little scared, ok a lot but I need to just start. I read, somewhere, to soak beans until they are al dente. I need to relocate the source to find out the actual time. I know not to use canned beans as they will become mush in the jars after pressure canning. If I use dried beans will they soak up all the broth in the jars either during the canning process or on the shelf? Thank you

    1. Pattyajwill... I cook the beans for about an hour first.. and yes, you don't want to use canned beans for the reasons you stated.. and yes, if you use dried beans they will expand and soak up the liquid...

  6. I have frozen whole jalapenos to use. Rather than canned chilis could I sub jalapenos? If so, do you have an equivelent? I am trying to get away with not buying anything commercially canned anymore and just canning the canned goods I use myself. Thanks

  7. This looks amazing! Instead of navy beans would pinto work? I have tons of pinto beans! Lol

  8. I have just begun making our own Chicken Chili and have done it one time so far. We kept the leftover chili in the refrigerator in all my glass snap and seal containers, because that's all I had. I don't own a pressure canner, and I do use Neufchâtel cheese in the recipe. I am wanting to know if it would be ok to put the chili with beans and chicken into quart jars, let it cool and then put them in the freezer? There are only two of us, and occasionally my mother in law, except not right now due to the COVID - 19 pandemic. I was thinking the quart jar is about perfect for us, as we love this chili on tortillas or in a bowl with mexican blend cheese and with tortilla chips for dipping, orven over a small baked Yukon Gold potato. It's so wonderful... we were eating this chili almost daily, of course I didn't want to lose any of it...

    1. You can freeze food in quart jars, however the food will expand as it freezes so the jars will crack if they are filled to much. Another option is zip type bags or reusable plastic freezer containers.

  9. How many quart jars does this recipe make?

  10. Oh sorry, I just saw 6-7 quarts

  11. Can you use canned corn in this recipe or does it have to be frozen or fresh?

  12. I recently canned (cold packed) chicken. Can I add the raw chicken just before I fill the jars since it should cook while pressuring it.

    1. Sorry for the late reply... Yes, that is how I can chicken. I put the raw chicken in the jars. It cooks perfectly while it's being canned.


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