Updates from the Homestead

We have added a new member to our family!! Our sweet Alpine doe, Bonnie, delivered a little baby boy yesterday!! And he is so cute! He looks more Nubian than Alpine as his daddy, Clyde,  is Nubian. His coloring looks just like mama. Since it was pretty cold out I pulled out one of my baby goat sweaters and put it on him to help keep him warm ( http://thefamilyhomestead.com/crochetgoatsweater.htm  ). By this morning he was all warmed up and walking around with mama dad…

Mom & Dad

January life on our homestead is pretty routine (other than the birth of a baby goat!). For Isaac and Sierra their daily focus is school and we are making good progress through the school year. At the beginning of the school year I shared that I was using Switched on Schoolhouse for my son Isaac. He is using it for English, science and history (we still use Saxon for math). After a half year of using the program I have to say I really like it!! It has saved me a lot of time in correcting papers and organizing a schedule to make sure we are on track. SOS does all of that for me. Isaac likes the program as well. I am pretty sure at this point that we will be using it again next year for him.

That is from the homestead for now!!


  1. The new baby is cute! Love the sweet face. I wish your son all the best in the Army Reserves.

  2. The goats are so sweet!!! Are they hard to care for? What do you recommend for learning to care for goats? I hear goat milk is very good for you. Good luck to your son!!
    Blessings, Jamie

    1. Jamie, Goats are wonderful and not hard to care for, a good book to check out is "Storey's guide to raising dairy goats, by Jerry Belanger." The goat milk is great for you, too! Blessings, Christine

  3. I really miss having goats! The babies are so sweet! Sounds like your son is making some big decisions right now. I've got a 16 year old who is wondering out loud daily what he is to do when he graduates. These young men will be great, they just have to find their way. It's exciting for this mama to watch her son grow into a smart, kind young man. I'm sure it's the same for you. Best wishes to your son!

  4. The baby is adorable! We have 2 goats due in April, 1 nubian and 1 alpine, like you our buck is nubian. Looking forward to spring babies!
    Blessings, Christine


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