Updates from the Homestead
It has been over a week since I have had a chance to blog. I have been super busy with lots going on.
This last week I had 3 trips into town; one for grocery shopping, one with Tobin and the third one with Emily to purchase some fabric. Those days in town really seem to throw the schedule off for me and I feel like I am racing behind the curve to keep the wheels turning here at home.
Also this last week my boys’ best friend Andy spent the whole week with us. His parents went on a week long vacation to Hawaii (aww.. sun, warmth, water.. gotta love the thought right now as we are headed for some cold temps this week!
This last week also seemed to be a busy computer week for me too. I had my message board moved to a new server and it ran into numerous issues that were caused by the old server. I had a tech guy that was so great to work with! He worked tirelessly to get the issues fixed and the board moved. We did end up losing some posts, but the faster moving board seems like an ok price to pay for that.
On Friday my son Jacob celebrated his 14th birthday! Where have the years gone! He is maturing into a wonderful capable and helpful young man. His main passion in life right now seems to be Halo.. LOL (xbox game).. Now his oldest brother (my son in Iraq) is like a Halo 3 top champion (or whatever they call that.. you can tell I am not xbox literate!
) and so the two of them email quite often about how Jacob is doing on his Halo game and Richard tells him he needs to get ready for when he is home on leave.. he says, “Jacob, you need to get good to challenge me in this game… REAL good!”.. thus Jacob’s incentive to keep playing. And my incentive to make sure he keeps up with his home responsibilities (no Halo until all your school work has been done, wood re-supplied for the day, household chores done, goats fed and watered, etc..
Speaking of my oldest son Richard, I talked with him yesterday. He said it is going well for him. They are changing his units assignment which he was not crazy about but says he will adjust fine. He also told me that hopefully by the end of the month all his paperwork will have moved through and he will officially be an E-5! That gives him the rank of sergeant. I am very proud of my boy..
Time to move on now, I have to work on my Azure Standard order, get some laundry going and add another log on the fire..
Have a great Sunday on your Homesteads..
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see a new bit of news from the homestead. I have made your homemade laundry soap and I am so pleased with it. I would like to include this on my very brand new blog. I don't know how to "link" this to your blog though. Could you explain this to me, I am sure that there are so many people who could benefit from a visit to the "Homestead". Please visit my blog at: http://www.homesteadblogger.com/HoneyHillFarm/
You have been inspiring!
Your friend,
ReplyDeleteSo nice reading about your Jacob...what a fine young man he is.
Sounds like you all are staying busy around your homestead.
Thanks again for all your hard work with the boards...so nice for things to be so fast.
Think of you daily and sending my love,
Hi Crystal!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your website, message board and blog for several months now. Yours was the first I found as I began to search for more natural, healthier, and less chemical laden ways to care for myself and my family. You are one of the first to turn me on to NT, also. I have slowly begun incorporating these changes into my life.
I was wondering when you might be accepting new members to your message board? I've been watching for a long time now, and reading what others have to say, and I'd love to join in. Any chance you'll be reopening membership any time soon, with the new server?