Tuesday on the Homestead



Well after several very cold, dry and sunny days the moisture rolled in last night in the form of snow! Our first for the season. It did stick some and there was not a whole lot of it and by this morning it was just slushy.  But it was pretty and sure does make it feel more and more winter like. 


We had a real nice Thanksgiving with my bil and his wife and kids. We went to their home. It was the first time either of them had ever put the meal together and they did a fantastic job! My new sil is a great cook!! I was totally impressed by it all. 


Tobin had most of last week off which was nice. He spent about 2 days with Emily in town shopping for a lap top computer for her. She has been working and saving money to go to school in the fall but wanted to also get herself a lap top. After tons of searching and researching they settled for a Sony Vaio and it was pink.. that was the part that Emily really liked! I am not a fan of pink, but this pink color is actually very nice. Now she wants to redecorate her bedroom to match her lap top.. LOL..    And speaking of Emily working, she posted pics of her babies that she cares for on her blog. They are sooo cute.. 


Last Friday was also Sierra’s birthday! She turned 12.. where do all the years go! Here is a picture of her and her birthday cake (she and her friend Makayla had fun decorating the cake)…



Also on Thanksgiving it was my oldest daughter Carolyn’s birthday.   She hosted Thanksgiving dinner at her home and had 20 people show up! She said it was a blast. Mostly they were the men my son-in-law works with and their wives. She wanted an open house to let the people who were to far from their homes have a place to go. When I talked to her the night before she said she thought about 5 were coming! But I guess more came after all.  Here is a recent picture of her and Jonathan and Caden. 



I sent a package to my son in Iraq and was so shocked that it got there in 5 days! It had to travel clear across the world and I figured it would take a couple of weeks.. he is currently enjoying hot cocoa, spiced cider, and cookies from home. I need to get another box together soon for Christmas. Here is a current pic... it was taken by him and is kind of small.. but it was good to see his face 



Today Tobin and I headed into town. He had errands to run and things to take care of and I went along with him and picked up a few groceries at Costco while we are there. 


Now it is time to think about home things and dinner won’t be to far away.. so that sums it up for now.. Hope you all are having a great Tuesday on your homesteads! 


  1. Crystal,

    Always love when you post pictures. Richard looks great...know you all are so proud of him.

    Just can't get over how grown up little Sierra is getting...she is beautiful.

    What a wonderful picture of Jonathan, Carolyn and Caden...they look so happy.

    Love ya friend,


  2. Happy Belated Birthday to Sierra! Enjoyed seeing the photos. Little Caden has the most beautiful smile!

    Hope you're having a great day!

  3. I have a little something for you! Read about it here!


    Love Leanne


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