Wednesday on the Homestead

Good Morning!
I slept in a bit this morning and it felt great. I've been getting up to get outside and walk/run before it gets to hot. Today is not supposed to be as warm so I figured I could sleep in and get out later on. 

It's been a relatively easy going week.  I've mostly kept busy with home things. We'll be leaving soon to go down to California to be with our daughter who is due to have a baby. We are hoping to be there for the birth, but don't want to leave to early. First babies seem to run a bit late in our family. I've been doing a little prepping and pre packing to be ready to leave when the time is right. 

I also got my kitty, Pila, to the vet's office this last week to be fixed. So no more babies. Hopefully she'll settle down to be a nice house cat now. If she does escape (like she did earlier this year) I don't have to worry about kittens. 

We've been enjoying the lovely summer evenings, sitting outside and relaxing. The fun thing about having our duck, Ping, is that he is so social! The other evening he must have heard us and came on up for a visit.. 


He's a lot of fun to have around. :) 

As summer is getting to the end soon the yellow jackets are in their frenzied state of aggression.  Last year I made some homemade yellow jacket traps that worked very well. So I did that again this week and they're doing a great job..

I wrote a how-to about this last year. If you'd like more info on this and see how I make these and how they work you can find that post HERE

Today I have a few things to get done on my list:

~catch up on laundry so we have what we need to pack
~pay a bill online
~research some things online for my hubby
~prepare some blog posts to go out while I'm gone

Not sure yet what I want to make for dinner so I'll work on that. I don't have any leftovers to rely on tonight! :D

For the Love of Books!
I finished Anne of Avonlea and loved it. I haven't started another book yet and since we'll be leaving I may wait until I get back to pick another one.

No big projects right now.

Fitness and Health
I've been working most days on getting out and walking and running and working to eat well and I'm feeling good. 


View from my Deck
The morning started out with sunshine and a few clouds when I took the first picture and started writing this post. Since I've been working on this post clouds have rolled in completely. There is rain in the forecast today which is good, it will help settle the dust down and keep the threats of forest fires away.

What it looks like now..


Today's weather: High: 69  Low: 55

That's all for this week my friends,


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