Wednesday Snap Shot

Wednesday Snap Shot will have a little different look for awhile. When I'm back up and running again, I'll return to the previous format.


Good Afternoon! My WSS is up later then typical. I woke up this morning and the first thing on my mind, other then a cup of hot coffee :) was my to do list. The sun is shining and I'm feeling motivated. I had a long list that I started yesterday and did not get finished. So I started working on that. Then got a phone call from my daughter in California and we chatted over and hour, which was wonderful. I love catching up with her busy life when she has a moment to chat.

My week has been going very well. I am up and out the door as often as the weather cooperates for my walks and getting other household chores taken care of. I've been in a cleaning and purging mode lately. I went through a tote of clothes and started pulling out summer clothes and putting the winter sweaters away. I also came across items that are worn out, don't fit or items I no longer want. Those that were still in good shape were taken to Good Will.

I had a nice visit also from my youngest son. He stopped by and we caught up on all that has been going on for him at work and in life. It was also my chance to feed him, LOL :) . Since moving away he's lost weight as he works to figure out cooking for himself.

Yesterday my goal was to give the bathroom a good cleaning. I even scrubbed down the tile in the shower. The thing about my surgery in January was that it totally wiped out my upper body strength. And boy, my muscles were feeling all that tile scrubbing last night. It's all a good thing as I continue to work myself back to health.

Today I've already cleaned up the kitchen, started laundry, picked up my room and made the bed, and had a 20 minute walk.

My goals for the rest of the day are to vacuum and mop the floors, clean up a couple clutter piles, finish the laundry and do a little work outside.

Dinner preps are simple. We're grilling some salmon and having salad and french bread with this. So I don't have much to do for our meal. Hubby always is in charge of the BBQ.

Steps, Steps, Steps
I was so excited and wanted to share. On Sunday I did a 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone's DVDs then had a busy morning. The sun was out for the first time in a long time and I wanted to be out soaking up that beautiful sunshine. In the afternoon I got out and took another walk that was probably 1 ½ miles or so. By the end of the day I was beat, my muscles were talking to me :) but I had a little over 11,000 steps! First time all year that I was able to get to my 10,000 step goal (and beyond!).

I took a few pics of the beautiful scenery in my “neighborhood” while I was walking.



Since Sunday my steps have been around 8000 to 9000 a day. My day is still young so  when I finish up my house work I'm thinking I'll  head out for another walk on this beautiful day.

This is a little of a follow up on a grocery haul post I made a couple weeks ago. I had purchased my favorite brand of coffee pods for my Keurig from Costco. I buy this brand because not only is it really good coffee but it is the best price per cup (pod) I have been able to find. The cost is .30 cents each. 


Undeniably these are not the most frugal way to make a cup of coffee. I guess they are my little extravagance or guilty pleasure for the sake of simplicity. The other way I will make a cup of coffee with my Keurig is to use my own coffee grounds. I purchased the little insert that comes with a reusable filter for use in the Keurig....

You put your own grounds in the little basket and put it in the insert...

Put the lid on it and put it in the Keurig and brew your coffee..

 I was curious what this cost me. So I measured out the coffee grounds, weighed it and found the price per pound I was paying for coffee beans (I buy Kirkland brand beans from Costco). The cost for this is .11 cents. That is a .20 cent savings.

I still like the convenience of the pods, but came to a semi frugal compromise. I use the pods for my first cup of coffee in the morning. Some days that is the only cup I have but occasionally I'll have a 2nd cup. On the days I have a second cup I'll use my own beans.

View from my Deck
Gorgeous and sunny! Spring is finally here..

And literally over night my apple tree blossomed.. 


High for today, 83 Low, 56

That is all for this week! Hope you are having a fantastic week!


  1. Crystal- I love reading your blog. I gave made many a recipe you have shared. I am so happy you are starting to feel better. I have been following you for years now ever since all your children were small. But anyway, I wanted to say that my hubby drinks coffee but I do it opposite of you, I get his coffee ready the night before with the regular coffee grounds and if he has a 2nd cup then we use a pod. I am a coupon user for many years and have many cans of coffee I got for less then $1 or even free. So it's frugal for us to do it that way and save the more expensive pods for maybe a 2nd cup. I love your helpful hints you share. I just wanted to tell you that. I am about your age, married for almost 41 years ( was a teenage bride) I have 6 children, 12 Grandchildren and was a stay at home mom to our children too. Now I am lucky to be able to watch 3 to 5 of my Grandchildren a few days a week. I have 5 during the summer. Just thought I would share a little. I too try and walk daily, here in PA we had a horrible winter, and I am jyst getting back walking. Thank you again for sharing. God Bless you and your family Lisa in PA

    1. Lisa, thanks for sharing 😊 love the frugal way you do your coffee. I had meant to mention that if you get your coffee for less then I get mine, it would make it even more frugal.

      It's always great to meet a fellow walker 😀
      Crystal 🙂

  2. Such gorgeous scenery! I enjoyed reading about the coffee pods/keurig. I have been in cleaning/sewing mode lately. Started some seeds and hope to plant them outside in a few weeks. It's been quite cold here in the northeast. I enjoy couponing/rebates/thrifting and repurposing too! - Katie

    1. Hi Katie, sewing sounds fun. I have projects I wanted to work on, one of these days I'll get to it. 🙂 Seed starting is one of my favorite spring time things to do.. thank you for your comment.. Crystal 🙂


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