Canning Salsa

Wednesday Snap Shot  
will be on a break this week! :) I have a lot to do in town today to get ready for family coming tomorrow. So, no time to blog this morning..

Since many are in the middle of garden and canning season I thought I share one of my favorite things to can.. Salsa! I love this recipe. It was given to me by a friend and I've used for years and years and literally canned hundreds of jars of it... (I posted this a few years ago) Hope you enjoy it if you try it! 

I’ve been busy making salsa! I used 40lbs of tomatoes to make 2 double batches. I made one batch in my 14qt pot …

And the second batch in my roaster oven…

It was a long day of chopping, pureeing, simmering and canning but I ended up with 31 pints and 14 quarts. I made 31 pints a few days ago, so I do believe we have plenty of salsa to last us for the year!

I still have lots of tomatoes and more to pick. I plan on making tomato sauce with the  remaining tomatoes that keep coming.

This is a super yummy salsa recipe that my friend Leah shared with me a few years ago. I make it every year now. You can find the recipe here: 



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