Life is not a Race to the End

All my kids in 2002...

I remember getting frustrated in the morning.. I just needed a little coffee before the kids all stared talking to me... just a little.. but no, as soon as they were up they were talking to me.. Sometimes I just needed a few moments of peace and quiet.. they went to bed, the house was quiet, finally.. but I was exhausted.. and went to bed.. no time to enjoy that peace and quiet. I just wanted a few moments to myself.. go to the bathroom.. they knock on the door.. and start talking to me.. I tell them to work on their school .. as soon as I walk out of the room... to put some laundry through.. they suddenly ALL need me.. my life and time was always in demand.. and I just wanted a few moments to myself..

Fast forward .. I now wake up, make my coffee, enjoy peace and quiet, kids gone to work, one still sleeping, I use the bathroom in peace and life is quiet and smooth. And you know what??? I miss those years.

They were busy.. animals to take care of, gardens to plant and harvest and can, driving kids here and there as they try and reach their own goals in life, homeschooling, keeping the house clean, meals to cook, bread to bake. It can make a person feel overwhelmed at times.

But then it seems that suddenly it is over.. the kids are growing and grown and start to move out and begin their own lives. Life settles down and ever so slowly you move into a new season. And you think to yourself.. what was I stressing over? You realize that (as my father in law once said to me).. life is not a race to the end. You wait for some peace and some quiet and just a few moments to think. Then it is there .. and you realize .. you miss those hectic times, those moments when they are all looking at you to make their lives happen.

I miss those mornings when I'd wake up, get my coffee going and have my daughter Emily come downstairs and tell me everything that was on her mind.. at the time.. I'd be like.. wait, dear.. let me wake up.. ~smile~ … but no she had so much to say.. Today, I'd like that again, at least every now and again :) ...

So.. as I move into a different season I can say one thing.. Love, appreciate, enjoy EACH day and each season that you are in. Don't wait for it to change.. embrace it. It will be over before you even know it. In a blink of an eye.. it will all be a memory.. it will be what your life was all about.. it will have been all about them.. and it will have been worth every day, every stressful moment.. every joy, every laugh, every bit of stress and excitement.. because one day.. trust me on this.. it will all be over. And you will move into a new season.

So today mama.. just breathe, just enjoy, just embrace... it's not a race to the end.. hug those babies, laugh with them, talk to them, love them, love your life.. make memories... It will mean everything to you one day...

All my kids..  same position in 2012... 


  1. Thank you for this post Crystal. Sometimes I feel very overwhelmed being a single mum with 3 boys 2 of whom are autistic and homeschooling my youngest whilst suffering from various medical problems myself. Your post serves as a reminder to enjoy each day I have with them before they are grown and gone. This is especially true of my eldest who is almost 17 and carving his own path in life as we speak. I will be sure to take an extra moment today to enjoy the madness :) Much Love from Claire at frugal living xxx

    1. Claire.. may God bless you!! What a big job being a single mom.. and yes.. enjoy those babies.. no matter what age they are... much love, Crystal <3

  2. So true. Time flies by so quickly. Great post.

  3. Great post Crystal! I have felt and do feel the same way! The nest is getting empty and life is changing! :)

    1. Yes it is Joyful.. life is changing!! Crystal

  4. Thank you!! I know they grow up way too fast, but there are days when you just would like some peace, quiet and time. I am in the same place where you were, homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, etc.. But it's hard to remember that in a flash of the eye the quiet, peace, and time will be there all too quickly. So thank you for your post!!!

    1. You're welcome... and yes, it goes by so quickly and we can't always see that when we are in the midst of it all (((hugs))) Crystal

  5. I tell anyone who is having one of those days at the store this. I am so proud of my boys. They have turned into wonderful young men but they will still always be my babies. Then they bring new babies into your life...what an honor it is to be gramma. I am so looking forward to retirement and spending much time with hubby too. It is definitely a change of seasons and like all changes, these will be good too. There is a country song singing " your gonna miss this when its gone" by Trace Adkins I think. It's so true. We just have to keep looking forward, enjoying the memories, embracing the future. Thanks for all the sharing you do on your blog.

    1. Love that song!! :) and yes.. enjoy, embrace... make memories today.. Thank you Tracy!!

  6. I can so relate to this post. I miss those days so much and only wish I had savored them more. Beautiful words of wisdom from your father-in-law Crystal.

    1. Aimee, it really made me stop and think when he said this to me.. Crystal

  7. I found your website 9 or 10 years ago after I'd just had my first baby and was newly married. My house was always clean, I had day after day of peace and quiet and nice calm mornings with my coffee :). I always admired and yearned for a large family like yours and now, 10 years later, I am almost due with my 10th child! Aaaaand, my days are pretty much just how you described them, and I find myself often longing for more quiet and peace, for the house to stay clean longer, etc. Your post was such a wonderful, timely reminder to me to cherish these moments. I know I need to--I've already seen the first 10 years fly by and it doesn't seem possible, but it can be so very hard at times in the midst of it all--I've always come to your blog and website for encouragement, and I always find it! Thank you for the challenge!

    1. Rebecca... God bless you... Thank you for sharing your story and life with me... I feel so blessed... Those years.. the years you are now in... are stressful.. it's all about perspective.. and love... trust me, peace and quiet will come sooner than you expected.. and yes.. cherish.. enjoy.. <3 Crystal

  8. Been there, done that! Homeschooled our two children. Sometimes a never a dull moment. Now one is married with two adorable children...and other one at home for now. Good memories though and it is nice to have some "peace of quiet" (a phrase I heard someone say). No matter what life season we are in, there is something to be done...laundry, shopping, cooking, baking, planting, cleaning. So thankful for jobs, money and a place to call home that God so graciously provides us. We just use our time wisely!


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