Updates from the Homestead
My biggest updates are about jobs for two of my daughters and another one passing a major time in her work. We are super excited for all of them.
My daughter Sierra, just a few weeks after getting her driver’s license, got her first job. She is super excited and has been a hard worker and loving it. She was hired to work in the deli of a grocery store in town. After only 2 weeks of working she has been asked to stay overtime periodically and help and was asked if she wanted full time work. I’m thinking they know a good worker when they see one. I’m very proud of her. For now she plans to save her money for dental assistant school this summer. She is in the process of filling out the paperwork for enrollment. She still loves her photography and wants to continue that as hobby, with some of that saved money from her job going for camera lenses and other equipment! :) Love seeing my little birds take their first flight from the nest. It is bittersweet and an incredible blessing at the same time.
My daughter Leanne has kept herself very busy since coming home from S. Korea. She has taken various classes both online and at the local community college, as well as teaching herself both Spanish and Korean. She picked up a LOT of Korean while in S. Korea and wants to keep in touch with this. We have all been watching a lot of Korean movies! LOL.. She also has been searching for work. She enjoyed teaching but was not sure that was the direction she wanted to go. So she has been looking into other options. However, she liked the idea of staying in touch with the ESL (English as a Second Language) field. She just recently found a part time job as an ESL teacher for adults. When she does find more permanent work she plans to continue this job as it is evenings and weekends and something she knows she will enjoy.
Finally, here is an update to share on my daughter Emily. She finished her second tax season on Tuesday and is breathing a huge sigh of relief. She is a staff account for a firm in the city. Tax time is very stressful for any accountant. They work incredibly long hours from mid-January to April 15. She has spent the last few months getting up at 3:30am, heading out the door by 4:15 to be at work by 4:30 and not getting home until 6:30 or later. Plus she has her computer set up to work at home on the weekends, which she did. When asked how she is surviving her answer is always a cheery.. “Great!!” She is a trooper. To help her out I made several meals a few times for her freezer. It’s a challenge to come home after a 14 hour day and then make dinner. She and her hubby were very grateful. I enjoy this new role as a mom of grown children and the ability to help them when I can.
This is the most recent picture I have of the 3 girls together. It was taken about 1 ½ years ago at Emily’s wedding.
(Leanne, Emily, Sierra)
That is the recent news and updates from my homestead!
What wonderful blessings your family enjoys. They are the fruition of years of work you've done around the house and love you've shown. Thank you for this update. It's a blessing for me to read.
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal!
ReplyDeleteI am curious if Sierra could ask around town and see if she could get a foot in the door working in a dentist's office. Perhaps she could file, work sterilization or do room cleaning before going to school for assisting? This will make her some connections and give her some hands-on in the profession. I went to school for dental assisting and some of my friends were able to do this before starting school and it really helped them! It doesn't hurt to ask!