Happy Valentine’s Day!

The day of hearts, flowers and love.. The day everyone is supposed to be romantic and all that jazz. Not that I have a problem with being romantic but I’ve always bristled at having a day were I’m told I’m supposed to be that way.. just my independent streak coming through I guess.. :) ..

Love, to me, is something that is shown all year long, every day. Love is giving selflessly to the ones that the Lord has put in my life, those that are nearest and dearest to my heart, my family. Love is serving. As my husband has said to me many times, “Love is an action”. It’s a verb.. it’s what we do each day to care, support, and provide for those we love.

When we love and serve and give to our families we show the love of God to them, the love that we have for our Savior comes through our actions to those He has entrusted to our care. 

Matt. 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them, ”Assuredly, I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me”.

John 13: 34 & 35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Just so you know I’m not being a big downer on this holiday, I do plan to make my family a pan of yummy fudge brownies ( http://www.thefamilyhomestead.com/fudgebrownies.htm ) and serve them hot out of the oven smothered in some vanilla ice cream :) .. a treat I know they will enjoy!


  1. I tend to agree with you there. We don't buy gifts for one another just because it is Valentines day. And one homestead mother to another, we prepare all our meals with love every day. My "special" desert will be the Red Velvet cake they all love so much. It isn't easy and it is time consuming. But I love them! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. For my family, my daughter and I made homemade noodles, millet balls, and home made spaghetti sauce. A lot of work, and loving teaching moments. We don't do the Valentines thing either but I still make a point to recognize our love for one another.

  3. I don't see what the big deal is with celebrating Valentine's Day It's one of my favorite days out of the year! :) I know that we should love eachother all the days out of the year and we do. But it's also nice to set a special holiday a side to do special crafts in our homeschool and have some chocolate. It's also a very special day for my hubby and I. We usually have a special date night or a candel lit dinner. No we don't have to have a special day to do this so to speak but let's face it with everyday life we don't have time to always have those special moments with our husbands. It's important for us to have Valentine's day in our family. I've always loved the day even as a child. We write love notes to eachother and do special things that we sometimes overlook or don't have time for on this special day.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  5. I think that Valentine's day can be a good reminder to appreciate and celebrate those you love, but all the commercialization can be overwhelming and really "shove" it in our faces. To love and respect each other every day definitely trumps getting candy,flowers,and balloons on only one day of the year. That being said, it's also a fun holiday to celebrate, especially with kids. I made a couple of special cakes to celebrate with my husband and children.

  6. I totally respect others thoughts and views on Valentine’s Day, thank you for sharing ..

    Crystal :)

  7. I've had the same thoughts about Valentine's Day before but last year I got to thinking...what's different between Valentine's, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. (besides the religious meaning). Valentine's celebrates love, Christmas celebrates Christ's birth, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all we have, Easter celebrates Christ's resurrection. We should be loving, thankful and remember Christ's birth and resurrection everyday of the year, but it's wonderful to have a special day where everyone is celebrating that one thing together. Why don't people get upset about being told to be thankful on Thanksgiving? I'm sure there are some, but Valentine's day always gets a bad rap. I'm very thankful for my Valentine's gift, a heating pad for my back! This is quite possibly one of my favorite presents ever because pregnancy has really made my back hurt often!

    1. I hear you Monica.. and I can agree with you. I guess for me I tend to be a minimalist on holiday celebrations in general. I enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving not just for their meanings, but for the opportunity for my family to gather together in one place.. happens rarely anymore! :) .. but even those holidays are celebrated very simply.. I have friends who just love holidays and go all out on all of them. I am just not one of those types.. I tend to be a very practical person and maybe that is why I don’t get into it like some do. BUT.. I don’t have any issues with those that like to do that.. The differences in us all are what make us unique individuals!! :)

      (((hugs))) Crystal :)
      oh.. and congrats on your newest little blessing!! And I would be grateful for a heating pad too!! :D

  8. I know what you're saying crystal. Its pretty commercial. Love the love as a verb thing your husband says. I think most consider the definition for love as a noun and forget its also a verb. I do love v day and all things romantic but I understand what you mean.


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