Leanne’s Mission Trip, Part Three

 After arriving in Egypt Leanne’s team rested up and then it was time to unpack and get a glimpse of the orphanage in the daylight. I was surprised to see how big it was and how green!  The orphange is near the Nile River and is an agricultural area so there was a lot green to be seen  . 

Here is a picture of the girls on Leanne’s team.  Leanne is sitting on the top row in the middle…


When the Egyptian girls saw them on the balcony for the first time they quickly swarmed around wanting to have their pictures taken..  


The main portion of their time at the orphanage was spent laying concrete walkways.  It was heavy duty work!  They had no equipment to do the mixing the kids mixed it all by hand and carried it by bowlfuls to dump.  Leanne said she learned so much about concrete work that she could give lessons now!  

Here is a look at the work they did…  They had large piles of sand and rock that they mixed with bags of cement.  They filled and carried the sand and rock by hand and then mixed it. 

 See the bowls in the picture below?  That is what they carried the mixed cement in to fill the walkways...



Laundry was done by hand on the roof top of the building they stayed in.  This is the way everyone does their laundry.  If you look back at some of the pics above you will see laundry and mattresses hanging over the tops of the roof drying. 


In the evenings they had chapel time and Leanne was befriended by a couple of girls that were about her age.  Leanne said the girl on the right really attached herself to her and she said she was so sweet..  she wanted to take her home with her..   


The team spent more time with the children and got to see the town of Assuit and I will share about this in my next blog post.  Leanne will also be sharing more with you as well! 


  1. This is amazing! How old is Leann? I can't wait to read the next installment. What a life-changing event. What a blessing to read about it and experience it through pictures!


  2. Thanks for sharing with us again Crystal!!! I am enjoying reading and writing about Leann's mission trip!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  3. Crystal,

    I am enjoying very much reading about Leanne's mission trip. So proud of her.

    Thanks for sharing with us and love all the pictures.

    Love ya,



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