Wednesday on the Homestead

Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday friends!  We're in the countdown of days left with my grandson. He's been here almost a month and we've loved it. He's got to see lots of uncles, aunts, cousins and of course grandma & grandpa. It's been fun having him here. 

This last week he spent a lot of time with my youngest son, his uncle Isaac, and it's so great that they have formed such a nice bond together.  I'm certain he'll go home with lots of fun summer memories. 

Yesterday Grandpa taught him how to drive the tractor and he had a good time with that..


My little kitties are growing up and ready to leave the nest and I'm ready for them to go! I need to get some more pictures today of them and see if I can find them homes. They are super cute, but, I'm done with it now :) Time for me to get mama cat fixed so we don't have this happen again. 

I was able to get pics of 2 of them, the third one hid behind the washing machine and I couldn't get him to come out :)


My only goals today are time spent with my daughter and her children. They're coming over to say 'good bye' to my grandson and we may head head out for a walk, if it doesn't rain. 

For the Love of Books!

I had a few free evenings and was able to finish up David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. I really loved the book. It was a great story to follow David Copperfield's life. It was a long book, but worth the read for me. 

I started a quick read, Call of the Wild by Jack London. It was one of my children's favorite books but I never did read it, so now is my chance. 


All projects are on hold until my grandson heads home. I'll spend my last few days with him

Fitness and Health
I have managed to get out and walk a few times, not as far or as often as I was doing but it feels good that I'm getting out when I can. 

View from my Deck
While we have had some nice sunny days that have been warm enough to swim in the pond, the cooler, cloudy days are still making their appearance.  Today is one of those days. They say it may even rain this afternoon. 


Today's weather: High: 69  Low: 58

That's all for this week my friends,


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