Updates from the Homestead

Life has been busy. Leanne got a job in S. Korea at the beginning of the month. She'll be teaching English again for another year. This month has been a crazy month of paperwork and packing and helping her take care of endless details. This morning, bright an early, my hubby and I took her to the airport to see her off. As I write this blog post she is about half way through the 12 hour flight.

It's been a bittersweet day. I want my children to spread their wings and fly and live their dreams. But boy will I miss her. For the last 15 months aside from a few part time jobs she had, she has been my buddy. We've shopped together, worked together, cooked together, spent mornings having coffee, evenings watching movies and drinking tea.. the memories we've made together have been priceless. I'm so thankful for the time we've had. But the emotions do run through me at the moment. For now, I'll be adjusting to my new normal. At this point Isaac is the only one at home during the day. My son Jacob works full time and is home in the evening. So as it stands, it is just me and the boys at home!

Now for some fun... at least it was fun for us.. Leanne left out of Portland International Airport (in Portland Oregon).. for some reason over the last few years people taking “foot selfies” has gotten very popular. More popular than what I see from other airports. The foot selfie is like a statement.. either.. I'm home!! Or.. I'm off on an adventure!! This year the airport said they were replacing the carpet at the airport.. the famous carpet for all those foot selfies.. and now there is a mad rush for people to get their foot selfie on the 20+ year old carpet. So today we could not resist the temptation to be part of this bit of history.. we had to take our own foot selfie.. and I share it here for you. My feet (bottom of the pic), Leanne's (to the left) and hubby's single foot...

Just a bit of fun to share!!



  1. Awwww, I'll be thinking of you! There's nothing quite like that sadness, is there? I mean we're glad for them of course and proud of them - but missing them like crazy is at the top of the list of feelings.

  2. I actually saw some items at Made In Oregon store the other day that were made from the carpet. Interesting but I didn't like the color very much. I live in Oregon as well. An hour south of Portland....visiting from Looking At Life Thru my Bifocals (Kathy). Homesteading Homemaker caught my eye so I am visiting. Good post....our adult daughter lives with us right now and getting back on her feet financially with a couple part time jobs. Take care and have a blessed week! (grandmabeckyl.blogspot.com)


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