Saturday in the Kitchen

Well I know it is Sunday now, but here is what I did in the kitchen yesterday…

Lately our weather has been more like early spring, meaning wet and cool.. so I have been continuing to make soup for these types of days. I like soup (even during the summer) because it is easy, quick and I can make a pot big enough to last my family for a couple of days.

Yesterday I made (recipes can be found on my site):

Yummy Pinto Beans

Salad w/homemade Ranch Dressing

Here is how the afternoon went:

I cooked up a pot of pinto beans and then drained out a good deal of the bean broth. I save the bean broth that I drain out to add back later.

I cooked up a pound of hamburger with an onion:

When the beans were done cooking I added the cooked hamburger/onion mix, tomatoes, molasses, sweetener (you can use sucanat or brown sugar), mustard powder, red pepper flakes and pepper:

Then I added some of the reserved bean broth to give me a soupy consistency:

I also taste it at this point and add anything I think it is missing. I actually like to add a little more molasses than the recipe calls for because we like that kind of baked bean taste to the dish.

Then I mixed up a batch of cornbread:

And a salad:

I already had dressing in the fridge that I had made earlier in the week. The meal was delish! And I have enough left for today’s dinner as well!!

For dessert Sierra, Leanne and I made apple pie…

I have a whole separate blog post that I am going to write up on making pie crust.. complete with pictures!! So stay tuned…. :)


  1. Yum!
    It all looks delicious!
    I cannot wait for our weather here to become more summer like...I am tired of the rain!


  2. It looks really wonderful - rainy here too, so I'm going to try it! And thank you so much for making the font bigger on your posts!

  3. Hi Nadine.. What part of the PNW do you live in? I looked at your blog and saw some beautiful pics of our part of the country!

    Mikesgirl.. glad you like the font size! :) ... are you also from the Pacific Northwest.. or are you just having a lot of spring rain too?

  4. Oh yum this looks SO good!! I want to start using more beans they are so good for us!!

  5. I'm from the PNW also - about 40 miles from the coast - I can't believe the amount of rain we're having this year. My poor garden needs some SUN!!!

  6. Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing. Beans are a favorite of ours. Take care and God bless.


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