Monday on the Homestead


Well the weather is just beautiful here in the PNW! We have had several days full of sunshine and heat and I just love every minute of it. I think summer has finally come to our little corner of the world.  


For the last few days I have been cooking with my crockpot.. or should I say crockpots.. I have 2 of them a big 6qt and 2 or 3 qt..  I think that is the size. It is an old one that use to be my moms many years ago, but it works like a trooper. I love being able to put both of them to use for a meal. One day I put a beanless chili in the big crockpot and cooked pinto beans in the small one. When the beans were done cooking I drained the liquid and added a little more salt and some butter and smashed them up right in the crockpot to make refried beans (not that they were fried at Sierra made a salad and the combo was delicious. Another favorite combo is meatballs in the big crockpot and mac and cheese in the small one and serve with a fresh green salad.   I have been taking the crockpots out to my husbands shop to plug in and cook for the day to keep the house from getting hot. It has worked great! I make the meal while it is still nice and cool and then enjoy the day working around my home and the afternoon swimming and sunning with the kids..  dinner is ready to go when the family is hungry. 


Updates from my daughter Leanne. She is now on week 2 of her two week boot camp. We have gotten one post card from her and the phone call she gave me when she arrived in Orlando and today I got a letter from her. Sounds like Boot Camp is rigorous and full of lots of hard work. She is a hard worker and I am sure she is handling that just fine but I think she is feeling home sick. They have them up at 5:30am and doing KP to prepare for breakfast and then the days are long and hot and sweaty and very busy.  The Teen Missions website has been giving updates and posting pictures of the kids and what they are doing. We have been checking in to see what is going on. Emily was so excited today to find a picture of Leanne!! She was swinging across some water with a rope.. Leanne is very strong and from the time she was a little girl she would grab onto the rope swing that is out over our pond and swing and climb that rope, she loved doing that.. So we all had to smile to see this picture of her:



If you want to see more pictures of the 2008 Boot Camp at Teen Missions you can see that here


This last week my daughter Carolyn and her hubby Jonathan and my grandbaby Caden came to town for a visit.  They are still here. I have seen them a couple of times and over the weekend they headed to the Oregon coast with Jonathans family. This week we plan to get together again. The highlight of the visits so far was when my little grandson Caden called me “grandma”.. just melted my grandma heart..    Another highlight was going out shopping with all my girls, except for Leanne of course, and she was very missed by all of us!  But it was a fun afternoon and it was cute to get a couple of baby belly pictures of Carolyn and Hannah my two mommies to be. Here is a pic of all of my girls:



Tobin and the boys have been working like crazy around the property. They have been trimming trees, mowing, clearing out weeds and I have to say the front of our property is looking like a park! And the great side benefit from this work is that we have about 1/3 of our winter wood already. Jacob has done a lot of cutting and Isaac has been helping with the stacking and clean up. Tobin split all the wood that needed to be split and it is all stacked neatly in the bins… we all smile at it as we walk by.. knowing how important that wood is to our winter time comfort (even in the midst of summer heat ).    Here is a pic of our pond and some of the surroundig area..


Tomorrow Tobin and I celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary!   We are going to go out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I have to say that the more years that go by the better marriage gets and the more in love and committed I am to my man.  Maybe I need to follow the lead of my friend Laurie and mod of my board and very loved friend of mine )… she takes the number of years married and lists that many things she loves about her hubby.. if I have time I may do that and post it tomorrow!  


That is all for today. I need to get some laundry going and get think about getting ready for my evening out with my hubby..  


Have a great Monday on your homestead! 



  1. I just found your website and blog. I love them both. I want my own homestead someday but for ow I will settle for reading about yours.

  2. Hi Crystal!

    Sounds like everything's WONDERFUL! Happy Anniversary! Would you post a wedding photo?!

  3. Glad Leanne is having fun!!! It is so nice to see her on the website while she is gone!! What a suprise! Sounds like you had fun with family visiting!!! And.........Happy Anniversary Crystal!!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo

  4. I was just introduced to your website and love it! We also live in the Pacific Northwest and have loved the heat over the weekend. Summer is usually later here, isn't it! BUT it sure makes for some pretty scenery. We are thinking of starting our "little homestead" with a few chickens soon, but we live in the city. We are not allowed to have a rooster. Any advice? Should we start with chicks or hens, especially this late. Thanks for your help and I love your website. To visit me, go to

  5. Beautiful pictures Crystal! Your daughters are lovely - would you tell us who's who? They have all grown up since the last picture you posted.

  6. Happy anniversary, Crystal, have a great date with Tobin!

    So great to see the pictures of the girls, they are growing up. :)

    I know how you feel about the wood, great job!

    blessings, Ellen

  7. Happy Anniversary Crystal and Tobin! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    I love the picture of your girls.I can't believe how grown up Sierra has gotten! They are all beautiful girls!



  8. Crystal,

    What a great blog entry. LOVE the picture of Leanne on the rope.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Tobin...loved reading the words you wrote about him. You two have a very special bond and a great love for each other.

    Blessings to you my dear friend,


  9. Hi Crystal,

    Just wanted to stop by and tell you a big thank you for getting my soaps out soooo fast. I received them Wed..LOVE them all. And can't wait to use the CD's on bread making and home organization. You are a real inspiration. Thank you again.....



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